How not to get shot by the police

If the moral arc of the universe really does bend toward justice, then by this time next year, the NFL will be on its knees, whether or not there's a flag flying or an anthem playing.  It's just too much when millionaires whine about how hard they have it.

They'll say they're complaining not for themselves, but for black people in general.  Well.  Last time I saw the data on it several years ago, about two thirds of blacks are middle-class, same as whites.  The millionaire footballers will say that's not the issue; the issue is how blacks are treated by cops.  Okay, but a lot of blacks need to learn how to behave around cops.

The following rules will keep you from getting shot by police, getting beat up by police, and having other problems with police:

1. Don't shoot at them.  2. Don't pull a weapon in their presence.  Let them take any weapons from you.  3. Don't provoke them by calling them "pig" or other names.  4. Don't go for their weapons.  5. Don't fight them.  6. Don't give them attitude in voice or action.  7. Don't resist arrest or try to escape.  8. Do what they say.  9. Respond, "Yes sir " and "No sir."  10. Don't encourage your friends to taunt them, throw things at them, or stir up trouble with them.

These rules, which work for black, white, and brown people from anywhere, citizen or noncitizen, young or old, will keep you out of trouble with the cops.  Of course, it's also smart not to break the law in the first place, because it brings cops looking for you if you fit the description of the perp.  That is what the police are supposed to do.

In short: Don't behave in a way that brings the cops down on you.  If you do, it's your own fault.  No policeman has any license to rough you up or kill you, but know that the rest of America sees certain behavior as the primary cause of black issues with police.  It does not exactly make sense when BLM and others seem okay with somebody acting like a thug and then complaining about the cops getting rough with him.

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