Olbermann says he probably owes George Bush an apology

The most hysterical pundit on TV thinks he "probably owe[s] George W. Bush an apology."  Keith Olbermann believes he should say he's sorry not because he thinks it was unfair to call Bush 43 a "liar" and a "war criminal" and called on him to resign.

He thinks he should apologize because Donald Trump is worse.

Washington Free Beacon:

Far-left commentator Keith Olbermann said Friday on "The View" he probably owed George W. Bush an apology based on what the country has comparatively endured with the political rise of President Donald Trump.

Olbermann called Bush a war criminal, liar, traitor and fascist during his MSNBC tenure as anchor of "Countdown," and he also called on the 43rd president to resign at the time.

However, Olbermann charges in his new book that Trump is a "psychopath." He has called the president a "fascist," "President Moron," a "deranged soulless twit," and worse on his inflammatory Twitter feed, and so he would prefer to have Bush as president instead.

Olbermann told "The View" host Meghan McCain that her father, Sen. John McCain (R., Ariz.), was his favorite person in 21st century politics.

"In retrospect, based on what we've seen in the past two years in this country, I owe him an apology, I probably owe George W. Bush an apology," Olbermann said.

"Shut up," McCain said in surprise.

"And I would happily take a third term of George W. Bush rather than this. That's how serious I think it is," Olbermann said.

It should go without saying that Olbermann has no intention of altering his hysterically exaggerated attacks on Trump.  He recently tweeted that Trump did more damage to America than Osama bin Laden and ISIS combined.

The spat began when McCain took issue with Olbermann claiming in a Twitter spat with Donald Trump Jr. that the Trump family had done more damage to America than "Bin Laden + ISIS" combined. Osama Bin Laden was the leader of the al Qaeda terrorist network and mastermind of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people.

After panelist Sunny Hostin read out the tweet, the audience applauded, but McCain appeared to be shaking with anger, saying, "the comparison is absurd."

"You think bin Laden did less damage to America than President Trump?" McCain asked.

"Yes," Olbermann said.

As Olbermann sipped from a coffee mug, McCain angrily called his rhetoric "so damaging."

"Bin Laden was dedicated to the destruction of everything that we hold dear, and our freedom," McCain said.

Hostin cut in to say some people believe Trump is also dedicated to that kind of destruction, implicitly suggesting Trump was as bad as bin Laden.

"It's not about disrespecting the troops in the slightest, or the servicemen, or your father's service, which astounds me," Olbermann said.

Olbermann is right.  His criticism of Trump is not about disrespecting the military.  It's about posting bat-guano crazy and rabidly partisan tweets. 

Don't bother asking yourself how anyone with two brain cells working could possibly imagine an American president doing more damage than someone who deliberately ended 3,000 innocent lives.  First of all, Olbermann fails the brain cell test.  Secondly, Olbermann is a part of the paranoid left, whose current target happens to be Trump – but eight years ago, it was Bush trying to end democracy and establish a fascist dictatorship. 

The more things change, the more things stay the same for the radical, hysterical left.

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