The Democrats' brand is imploding

Just about all the associations the Democrats counted on to burnish their appeal to the public are in the process of discrediting themselves.  The theory of branding tells us that associating one brand with another desirable brand helps the former take on some of the luster.  That's why you see so many product endorsements, for instance.

For decades, we have seen images of prominent Dems and Hollywood icons together – so much so that the brands are somewhat intertwined, meaning people feel sort of the same way about one as about the other.  Somewhat glamorous, or at least familiar.  People we enjoy.  Sometimes, even people we admire or even trust.

So when one falls out of favor, the other tends to follow.  That's why scandals lead to cancelation of endorsements.

Hollywood is only the first citadel of evangelical liberalism, eager to mingle its brand with the Democrats so as to bring about political recruits.  The #MeToo ethic of speaking out is spreading, and the details get gorier.

The key to understand the real impact of the spreading disillusionment is that many of the abusers coming to light were widely known to be harassers and were tolerated in the larger community.  Everyone bought in and was equally hypocritical, preaching feminism as liberal intersectional dogma requires.

Now it is turning out that a wide swath of supposedly enlightened progressive media figures have been somewhere on the spectrum between cad and criminal.  Even in the refined (aka pretentious) reaches of liberal media, purported intellectuals have behaved like brutish cave men.

Meanwhile, the Clinton Machine is being exposed for its Uranium One perfidy.  There is evidence, and it is going to be revealed to Congress.  Despite all the chaff thrown into the air around the A.G.'s purported inactivity (in truth, if something is underway, we do not know about it), facts and evidence are coming out.  Nothing will happen overnight, if all the is are being dotted and ts crossed.

Donna Brazile is the first Democrat insider to squeal on Hillary to try to save herself from taint and maybe legal jeopardy.  There is every danger of the dam breaking, as it has with sexual abuse in Hollywood.

All of these associations are going to get worse before they get better.  It takes time for brands to change, but they do.

The Democrats may be in as big brand trouble as the NFL.

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