The 'party of science' becomes the 'party of fantasy'

In Delaware, a proposed regulation would allow students of any age to self-identify their race or gender without their parents' knowledge or consent.  What we seem to have is mentally deficient adults willing to pass their major psychological weaknesses on to the children. 

Of course, liberals also think girls should be able to have major surgery (abortions) without parental consent. 

Of course, these same children who have the maturity to make these choices aren't mature enough to determine that they need an aspirin.  Then adults say they need parental consent. 

It is too bad that Elizabeth Warren isn't younger and living in Delaware, because then she could pick whatever race or sex she wanted to be based on how much money she could squeeze out of someone.  She wouldn't be limited to being a fake Indian.

Democrats are the party that supposedly believes in science, but in a survey, 77% of college graduates don't believe that the sex of a child is determined in the womb.  They believe that it is a choice.  I guess we don't need chromosomes.  It appears that these supposedly bright adults are a couple courses short of a load – namely, in anatomy and biology.  It is no wonder that these supposedly intelligent people overwhelmingly voted for Hillary or Bernie.  If they can't even tell how sex is determined, how can they possibly know that nothing is free and that capitalism is the best system to lift people out of poverty?

From the Pew survey:

The survey … finds that Democrats with a bachelor's degree or more education are more likely than other Democrats to say a person's gender can be different from the sex they were assigned at birth. About three-quarters (77%) of Democrats with a bachelor's degree or more say this, compared with 60% of Democrats with some college and 57% of those with a high school diploma or less. No such [education] divide exists among Republicans.

We've always been told that homosexuality is not a choice, but somehow the actual sex is.  That is absolutely amazing. 

I wonder if Hillary at age 70 has ever self-determined what sex and race she is.  After all, she repeatedly has consultants trying to remake her to make her more likable.  Maybe she hasn't tried all thirty genders yet.  Pantsuits can cover up a lot of hidden features. 

In the future, when Democrats call themselves the party of science, maybe there need to be some significant footnotes.

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