White American male wants to 'identify' as Filipino

A white American male born with the name "Adam" wants to "identify" as a Filipino named "Ja Du."  Ja Du loves Filipino food and enjoys watching the History Channel when programs about Filipino culture and history are broadcast.  For these reasons, he feels most comfortable in his skin when he thinks of himself as Filipino.


Ja Du, born a white male named Adam, now considers himself a Filipino. Turns out the purple ride he drives around in is called a Tuk Tuk, an Asian-derived vehicle used for public transit in the Philippines he says.

Ja Du is part of a small, but growing community of people who considers themselves transracial. It refers to someone born one race, but identifies with another.

Sound weird? Not to them. Ja Du says he grew up enjoying Filipino food, events and the overall culture.

"Whenever I'm around the music, around the food, I feel like I'm in my own skin," he said.

"I'd watch the history channel sometimes for hours you know whenever it came to that and you know nothing else intrigued me more but things about Filipino culture."

If you're thinking this sounds familiar, you might remember the story of Rachel Dolezal. Dolezal was born white, but identified as black and portrayed herself as such. She was even the president of the Spokane, Washington, chapter of the NAACP.

After she appeared on an episode of Dr. Phil, the term transracial started to become more widely known. Now, we are finding out this community of people who identify as another race is growing. If you look on Facebook, where we found Ja Du, groups dubbed transracial are popping up with dozens of members.

Dr. Stacey Scheckner is a licensed psychologist with a B.A. from Washington University, plus M.A. and doctorate from Florida State. She hasn't had a client who wanted to change their race but has worked with many clients wanting to change their body in some way.

"If someone feels that they feel at home with a certain religion, a certain race, a certain culture, I think that if that's who they really feel inside life is about finding out who you are. The more knowledge you have of yourself, the happier you can be," she said.

"And, as long as it's not hurting yourself or anyone else, I don't see a problem with that."

I don't care how some loons "identify."  They can believe themselves to be unicorns, and it's not my business.

But "transracialism" becomes our business because of the political implications of being able to change one's race simply by declaring it.  As a "Filipino," Ja Du would be eligible for certain preferences and privileges that a white male would not be.  Does being comfortable with who you are trump the idea that affirmative action and other race-based policies should be reserved for minorities who have historically been disadvantaged?

If we are to dump that definition, what's to stop anyone wanting to take advantage of racial preferences from changing his race on a whim?

The next step for these "transracialists" is to get legal recognition in the courts.  How do you "prove" that you "feel" black?  Or any race other than the one you were born into?  There are enough federal judges in America eager to make new law and recognize even the most fantastically idiotic class of "oppressed" people.  It's going to happen, and it will happen sooner than we can imagine.

Is this a new sign of the coming American apocalypse?  Or just a passing fad that will die out in a few years?  We can hope for the former, but judging by recent history, we should prepare for the latter.

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