Communism-loving journalists shaping our news accidentally outed themselves

Two decades after the fall of the USSR and the rejection of communism throughout Eastern Europe, where captive nations were virtually enslaved by Stalin and his Soviet successors, major media institutions employ journalists who admire the monstrous system.  Communism was every bit as viciously bloody as its socialist brother Nazism and by most reckonings has been even more lethal in its death toll, at roughly 100 million.

No remotely influential media organ would employ an open Nazi, but BuzzFeed seems to have a soft spot for admirers of communism.  BuzzFeed's U.K. science editor, Kelly Oakes, foolishly exposed her inner totalitarian on Twitter: "All I want for Christmas is full communism now," only to withdraw the tweet when the monstrousness was exposed.

James Woods, however, captured it and passed it along to his many followers:

#BuzzFeed editor. Enough said.

— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) December 17, 2017

So far, BuzzFeed has not responded to the incident, and so far as we know, Ms. Oakes remains in her position, where she influences coverage of many issue related to science.  She, evidently, escaped inclusion in the list of 100 BuzzFeed employees laid off recently.

Gonzo Overkill charitably assumes Ms. Oakes didn't really mean it and was drunk.


But she is not the only staff member at BuzzFeed with a problem criticizing communism.  Just over a month ago, another disappearing tweet revealed a defensiveness in response to criticism of communism.  Blake Montgomery, a reporter for BuzzFeed tweeted and then deleted:

BuzzFeed reporter — tweet now deleted

— Jon Levine (@LevineJonathan) November 8, 2017

Jon Levine of The Wrap captured this tweet and followed up:

"I didn't mean in any way to diminish the many real victims of communism, and my tweet was a bad misintrepretation [sic] of the president's declaration. I've deleted it," he wrote. "I cover white nationalists, and they use that language a lot, which is why I made that very dumb mistake."

Blake Montgomery also escaped being laid off, evidently, as his name still appears at BuzzFeed.

"White nationalists" are the new demon used by leftists to justify practically anything they want to do, all in the name of fighting "white nationalism."  After decades of pushing multiculturalism, in which every ethnic group is expected to embrace "black nationalism," "Chicano identity," and the like, the inevitable embrace of the same logic by the Caucasian majority is seen as far more evil than a totalitarian ideology that killed 100 million people.

Those are the values embraced by media figures and not repudiated by their bosses.

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