Strzok-Page texts reveal deep bias: Clinton 'just has to win'

The first 90 texts between adulterous FBI lovers Peter Strzok and Lisa Page have been released by the Justice Department, revealing bias so severe as to disqualify the work performed by both government employees (who still are receiving paychecks, so far as anyone can tell) concerning President Trump and Hillary Clinton – and any politician of any stripe, for that matter.  Even the New York Times and NBC News, both reliably anti-Trump, are giving the story play.

The Times summarizes:

Senior F.B.I. officials who helped investigate Donald J. Trump's presidential campaign last year wrote in text messages that Hillary Clinton "just has to win" and described a potential Trump victory as "terrifying," according to texts released Tuesday night.

A top counterintelligence agent, Peter Strzok, exchanged the messages with Lisa Page, a senior F.B.I. lawyer. Some messages criticized Mrs. Clinton's team, the Obama administration, Congress and other Democrats. But the two appeared appalled at some of Mr. Trump's comments during the campaign and feared that he would politicize the F.B.I. ...

On July 27, Ms. Page wrote, "She just has to win now. I'm not going to lie, I got a flash of nervousness yesterday about Trump." That text message was sent after the Clinton investigation had been closed. Days later, the F.B.I. began investigating possible coordination between Russian officials and the Trump campaign.

The two F.B.I. officials also criticized Mr. Trump as the Russia investigation was continuing. They told internal investigators that their comments were influenced by the troubling evidence they were seeing about Mr. Trump's campaign ties to Russia, according to a person familiar with the internal investigation.

Was the "troubling evidence" contained in the tainted oppo research "dossier"?  

Special Counsel Mueller removed Strzok from his team last July, after becoming aware of the texts, but made no mention of it at the time, and the public learned of the removal only after the texts were leaked to the New York Times earlier this month.  Last week, FBI director Wray continued the pattern of stonewalling by refusing to discuss the texts.

Both of the illicit lovers are career bureaucrats, and it is obvious they are not committed to impartial justice.  They are, in fact the poster children for the Deep State.

Update: The Washington Examiner offers more examples of outrageous bias than the NYT or NBC:

One message from Page to Strzok is a link to a story about Trump and Russian president Vladimir Putin, with the text "What an utter idiot."

In November 2015, Page said she hopes House Speaker Paul Ryan "falls and crashes in a blaze of glory," to which Strzok replied: "Yes, And me too. At some point the Rep party needs to pull their head out of their *ss. Shows no sign of occurring any time soon." ...

Days after the exchange – March 2016 – Page texted Strzok, "God trump is a loathsome human," to which Strzok replies, "Yet he may win."

Moments later, Strzok asked whether Trump would be a worse president than Sen. Ted Cruz, to which Page says, "Trump? Yes, I think so." ...

During the Republican National Convention, the two goaded each other to flip it on.

"TURN IT ON, TURN IT ON!!! THE DOUCHEBAGS ARE ABOUT TO COME OUT," Strzok messaged Page on July 19, 2016.

Page replied moments later: "And wow, Donald Trump is an enormous d*uche."

"Hi. How was Trump, other than a douche? Melania?" Strzok replied roughly eight hours later.

"Trump barely spoke, but the first thing out of his mouth was 'we're going to win sooo big.' The whole thing is like living in a bad dream," Page replied back.

The two go on to say they hope Trump's "disorganization comes back to bite him hard in November," with Strzok saying he feels "Panicked" about the election.

Strzok and Page also traded barbs about other Republican leaders, calling Ben Carson "crazy-ass grain storage pyramid Ben Carson," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell "a turtle," and Ryan "a jerky."

"This campaign is like watching a train wreck happen over and over again," Page messaged Strzok on July 21, 2016.

The lovebirds were nasty toward some Dems as well:

Just a week later, Strzok called Democratic presidential nominee Bernie Sanders supporters "stupid*ass" and "idiots," to which Page said she "really really" likes former Vice President Joe Biden.

But it is clear that the venom toward Republicans and conservatives was consuming:

In August 2016, Page sent Strzok an article about Gold Star father Khizr Khan, who famously spoke out against Trump at the Democratic National Convention.

"Jesus. You should read this. And Trump should go f himself," she said.

Strzok replied, "God that's a great article. Thanks for sharing. And F Trump."

Days later, Page asked Strzok to reassure her that "He's not ever going to become president, right? Right?!"

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