Who should really be on the Time magazine 'Silence Breakers' cover?

The Time magazine Person of the Year can still be "The Silence Breakers," but the picture should be of five of the multitude of journalists who maintained silence for decades and participated in the cover-up and protection of powerful men who have been serial abusers.

Instead, Time put five women on the cover, indicating that women have wanted to be silent. 

Several women were willing to speak up in the 1990s about how they were abused by Bill Clinton, but Time and other media outlets intentionally stifled their voices.  These women have been out there for the past two decades, and very few journalists showed any interest at all.  In 2016, they showed up before a presidential debate, and Time and most news outlets still didn't care. 

I guess we can all say is that it's about time that Time magazine all of a sudden cares about sexual abuse in 2017.

Think of how many women and young girls might not have been abused by powerful men like Bill Clinton, Harvey Weinstein, and Jeff Epstein if Time magazine had put the Clinton accusers on the cover in the 1990s  with the title "Silence Breakers" instead of  waiting until 2017.

Time could have put Hillary, the Bimbo Eruptions squad, and Harvey Weinstein on the cover in the 1990s for many years and titled it "How to silence and destroy sexual abuse accusers with the help of compliant journalists."

It is of note that not one of Clinton's accusers is on the cover.

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