Winning again

On the campaign trail, then-candidate Donald Trump promised to help Make America Great Again.  In contrast to the Obama years, America would start winning again.  Almost one full year into the Trump presidency, there is strong evidence America is indeed winning.  Accomplishments are being made on the economy, illegal immigration, and defeating ISIS as well as in appointing constitutionalists to the courts.

Trump was accused by some of not being a real conservative and questioned as to whether he would govern as a conservative.  Their fears have proven unfounded.  While he is indeed an independent thinker, the President appointed Neil Gorsuch, a strict constitutionalist, to the Supreme Court.  This appointment alone has the potential to impact America for generations to come.  As we have seen with court responses to the travel ban, the judiciary wields significant influence.  This decision by the president was a major win for America.

Illegal immigration is down, and the Justice Department is keeping MS-13 and other violent gangs out of the United States.  At least for now, the program known as DACA, arguably a form of amnesty, has been put to an end.  Illegal border crossings have decreased significantly from the Obama years.  The Border Patrol know they have the support of the president.  Lawlessness on the southern border is ending, and the president promises to build the wall.

As for terror, the president has successfully imposed a travel ban from terror countries and increased extreme vetting.  Unlike in the Obama and Clinton plans, there will be no more admitting Syrian refugees.  It is now harder for jihadis to infiltrate our country the way they have in parts of Europe.  On the battlefield, ISIS has lost its so-called caliphate, and its members on the run.  The brutal video beheadings are no longer being released.  The territorial gains in Iraq and Syria have evaporated.  Finally, we have a president who recognizes that we are up against an ideology and, unlike Obama, is unafraid to call out radical Islamic terrorism.  To quote President Reagan: we win; they lose.

Despite the predictions of the mainstream media, the stock market is booming.  Consistently high numbers in the market along with a coming tax cut bill bode well.  The president has reignited the economy, helping us recover from the Obama slump.  This president is putting the American economy before the globalist economy.  This is his priority.

This president has already compiled an impressive record.  Whether on the economy, defeating ISIS, or the border, America is winning again.  Indeed, it can fairly be stated that in his first year in office, despite historic opposition, the president is helping to Make America Great Again.

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