A clean budget for President Trump

Somehow the Democrats managed to create a situation in which the budget seems inextricably linked to DACA (or really, all 3.6 million “Dreamers”) and their “need” for relief. How that happened is moot at this point, but I would humbly suggest that the Trump administration can and should categorically refuse to allow the two disparate issues to be artificially linked.

How can President Trump accomplish this?

It was apparent from Schumer’s rapid retreat from the “shutdown” that he realized quickly that America voters, Democrats included, do not consider DACA or the desire of “the ‘Dreamers’” to be a critically important issue. Nor should it be. Surely the needs of 320 million American citizens come way before that of a group of people who are living in our country without permission or any claim to legal status.

Donald Trump can and should suggest that he will countenance nothing more than a “clean” budget bill, period. He can read the riot act to both sides of the immigration issue and look admirably bipartisan. Americans deserve a “clean” up or down vote on our budget. If it’s a good budget, vote for it. If not, don’t. This is a case that should be easy to make and one for the ages. Our budget votes should not be sullied by extraneous matters. How simple a message is that?

In the meanwhile, Donald Trump has yet to deliver on his popular promise to shore up our infrastructure. Many Democrats have shown strong support for such a bill. Isn’t that the best battleground for furthering Trump’s immigration reforms? Many conservatives don’t like the idea of a national infrastructure bill because it will surely add to the deficit and, arguably could be a matter of state responsibility. That said, where better to place a “wall” project than as part of a national infrastructure program? If, in return for their support of such a bill, conservatives get an end to “chain migration” and the “visa lottery” they will probably support the total effort. Even the likes of Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski will likely support an infrastructure bill with its promise of jobs, jobs and more jobs. Hopefully some Democrats will join the effort as well.

And leave DACA and Dreamers out of it.

Let the Democrats oppose a popular bill that will stimulate the economy, add tens of thousands of jobs for American citizens, and improve our national infrastructure. And when and if they do, let’s revisit the dire predictions of a 2018 Democrat “rout” in the midterms. Americans will be angry at any party that shuts down a large infrastructure bill to protect non-citizens, however sympathetically that group has been portrayed.

It’s time for President Trump to play his “Trump Card.” 

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