A stroll through the Washington menagerie

We have an amazing menagerie in Washington, D.C.  Is it in the National Zoo?  Let's examine some of the collection.

Of course, there are the elephants and RINOs.  (Some are former elephants.)  There are the donkeys, or maybe jackasses.  Both the elephants and donkeys have lots of pigs at the trough with all their pork-barrel projects.

There are bulls and bears, hawks and doves and snakes and weasels.  Don't forget the moles and rats.  And then there are the Chicken Littles among the watermelons (green on the outside and red on the inside).

What is really amazing is how squirrelly some of the elephants and donkeys get when the big dog tweets.  They are really buffaloed by him.  But it is increasingly obvious that they are crying wolf.

Until recently, there was a silence of the lambs in the presence of a bunch of Billy goats.  The lambs are singing like canaries.  The Billy goats are looking for a scapegoat, but they are cornered animals.

We the People need to remain vigilant with our watchdogs to minimize the monkey business.  Meanwhile, the elephant in the room is that the big dog is a bit of a wise old owl.  I am looking forward to more entertainment at the zoo.

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