Melania Trump vs. the media

"If Trump wins,” a commenter wrote on a blog in 2016, "I do not envy what Melania Trump and Barron Trump will have to go through."

How prescient. A year after the President's inauguration, media jackals continue to declare open season on the gracious First Lady and her innocent 12-year-old son. 

From CNN:

The first lady has had by many accounts a difficult start to 2018, facing myriad news stories about a dalliance her husband allegedly had with porn star Stormy Daniels. The alleged affair supposedly took place in 2006, four months after Melania Trump would have given birth to the couple's only son, Barron.

This latest abomination making the rounds from gossip tabloids to CNN to local radio programs elicited a strong response from Melania's spokeswoman, Stephanie Grisham:

BREAKING: The laundry list of salacious & flat-out false reporting about Mrs. Trump by tabloid publications & TV shows has seeped into ‘main stream media’ reporting. She is focused on her family & role as FLOTUS -- not the unrealistic scenarios being peddled daily by the fake news.

Earlier in the week Grisham praised Mrs. Trump for keeping her "composure despite unprecedented attacks against her husband, her son, and her husband."

Throughout the presidential campaign, slanderous and dishonest assaults rained down on the future First Lady and her son. After eight years of a media complex fawning over Michelle Obama's toned arms while ignoring her anti-American statements and a $10 billion school lunch boondoggle, we the people are witnessing an all-out war on President Trump's wife and son.

Incredibly, and to her credit, the daily barrage of vile accusations has not affected the First Lady’s kind and warmhearted demeanor. Try and find a photo of an angry, cold-eyed, hateful Melania. 

Mrs. Trump exhibits grace under pressure coupled with an uncompromising willingness to challenge her detractors.

Before her husband's victory on November 8, 2016, Mrs. Trump filed lawsuits against two media outlets that suggested she worked as an escort in her early modeling days. The First Lady won the legal battles involving Daily Mail and a Maryland-based blogger. 

A few months before she received substantial settlements in those defamation cases, the First Lady, with the aid of her attorney, forced YouTube to take down a video that diagnosed her son, Barron, as autistic.

It is interesting that as the press tries to bring down the President through the contemptible tactic of putting Melania and his son in the crosshairs, the First Lady has a higher favorability rating today than a year ago, according to a December, 2017 Gallup poll

The DNC-controlled press doesn't get it. All the negative, unfounded articles about the First Lady's home life will not wear her down. Mrs. Trump has proven herself as worthy an opponent on the political battlefield as the current commander-in-chief. 

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