Motion Picture Academy suddenly reconsidering expulsion of Harvey Weinstein

The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences (AAMPAS), organization that gives out the Academy Awards Oscars™, is having second and third thoughts about having expelled Harvey Weinstein. The problem: too many other members would have to be expelled if their standards are going to be consistent. Merle Ginsburg of Page Six reports:

When Hollywood’s most prestigious organization, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) — the group of nearly 7,000 actors, directors and other industry types who dole out the Oscars — expelled Harvey Weinstein on Oct. 14,audiences applauded. But by acting so swiftly, a mere nine days after the New York Times first reported allegations of sexual assault against the movie producer, the outfit now finds itself facing a dilemma.

Put simply: What to do with the rest of them?

Harvey opened the floodgates,” said one male Academy member. “Now the Academy’s drowning in a tide of s—t. They don’t know what hit them.”

There are two categories of trouble ahead. One consists of future, as yet unknown, misbehavior that can come to light. As Gonzo Overkill points out on our home page, misbehavior – including homosexual pedophilia among the Hollywood powerful – has been an open secret.


But equally awkward are the existing allegations (and more) for such figures as Bill Cosby and Roman Polanski, the latter of whom was convicted of raping a 13-year-old and avoided imprisonment by fleeing overseas. This crime did not prevent AAMPAS from awarding him with a Best Director Oscar (in absentia because he is a fugitive from justice over a rape conviction) in 2003.

The queen of self-righteous outrage herself, Meryl Streep, leaped to her feet applauding the honor to a child anal rapist:


Most immediately, Casey Affleck, last year’s Best Actor laureate, is by tradition supposed to award this year’s Oscar™. But his own accusers have sparked a petition to deny him the honor this year. Academy CEO Dawn Hudson and newly elected president John Bailey have a big problem on their hands:

Hudson had no comment, but her office reissued her original statement on the matter, which read in part: “[A] task force will finalize procedures for handling allegations of misconduct, assuring that we can address them fairly and expeditiously. This process will ultimately guide the board of governors in assessing if certain allegations warrant action regarding membership. Those procedures will be sent to you in the new year.”

Mused another AMPAS member, “Dawn may not know what they’re going to do next. That’s why the statement’s so vague. The board says they’re going to take action, but what action? It will have to be case by case. They must revisit and reinvent the rules of membership — and it’s gonna get nasty.”

There are two underlying and unspoken problems in this mess Hollywood has gotten itself into:

1.     As Gonzo Overkill visually editorialized, Hollywood knew and did nothing about not just Weinstein and the homosexual pedophiles, but about the casting couch system that has operated since the early days of movies. They are all complicit to one degree or another. True accountability would involve mass career suicide. Academy voters are 76% male and average 63 years old. They came up under the system of sexual exploitation and few have clean hands, directly or indirectly.


2.     Calling amnesty on Weinstein, Affleck, Polanski and company indirectly amnesties President Trump, whose continuing leadership of the nation annoys Hollywood liberals more intensely than Polanski’s conviction for anal rape of a child.

 While tonight’s Golden Globe awards officially have nothing to do with AAMPAS, the show is regarded by the public as a precursor for the Oscars™.  The level and nature of political disparagement of the POTUS may be a tell for Hollywood’s treatment of its own. If there are no references to the famous Access Hollywood tape, perhaps there is hope for Weinstein to be rehabbed. Superstar director Sir Ridley Scott apparently hopes so.

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