No, really, Dems: Tax cuts help the middle class

It is truly a shame that someone at Yahoo Finance is so incompetent that he doesn't understand how the tax cuts work.  He says in his headline that the Trump tax cuts aren't helping Century Link workers, but he is 100% wrong.  The tax cuts are obviously helping the workers there, because although the company is not able to give them a raise, Trump and the Republicans did, because they gave the workers more take-home pay, which is just like a raise.
From the article:

More than 80 companies have announced bonuses or raises or improved benefits for workers, now that a new tax[] cut law is likely to boost after-tax revenue for most big U.S. companies.

But not CenturyLink (CTL), the embattled telecom provider based in Monroe, La., which informed employees recently that there will be no raises this year.  In an email to employees on Jan. 11, CEO Glen Post said, "We cannot afford merit increases across the organization at this time[.] ... I believe [that] it is necessary that we not pay merit increases this year."

Obviously, in a capitalist economy, not every company will be able to give raises.  Some will fail, and companies that are losing money won't save on taxes.  It is a simple concept.  My guess is that Sears and Kmart employees won't fare as well as Walmart workers or other profitable companies, but everyone who earns money in the United States will see his tax rates go down.  It is too bad that the Yahoo Finance guy had to look so hard to report this story and then get it all wrong by saying Trump's cuts didn't help those employees.

This writer is just Like Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats, who really don't want workers in the private sector to keep more of the money they earn.   The reform and cuts are working fast.  How about celebrating the new workers for Fiat-Chrysler who are going to be in Warren, Michigan instead of Mexico?

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