Trump is no Reagan

And before my fellow Trump supporters have a conniption, this is a good thing.

I miss Ronald Reagan. He was a virtuous man, loved his family, his country, and his fellow Americans. He was soft-spoken, had a keen sense of humor and was beloved by both his supporters, as well as his detractors.

Ronald Reagan though lived in an era when one could reason with the electorate, having the merit of an idea be enough to rally our country’s people to common cause. Whether it be opposition to Communism, or the benefits of supply-side economics.

In this vein, Mitt Romney struck me as Reagan-like. As [seemingly] virtuous a man to walk the earth since Christ. The lesson learned by all, except seemingly Mitt Romney, is the nature of the era. If the 1980s were deemed a time of reason and ideas, our current time can be viewed as guerilla warfare. A street fight, as Barack Obama asserted in 2008 -- “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.” 

Mitt Romney had some great messaging in 2012, and wiped the floor with then President Barack Obama in the first of three debates. Barack Obama was woefully unprepared, but more importantly the moderator, Jim Lehrer of PBS, lost control. He erred by permitting the candidates to go toe-to-toe, on the premise of their ideas. From that moment on, Barack Obama, the DNC, a myriad of (Soros-sponsored) activist groups, and the mainstream media made certain that the battle for the presidency would be a no-holds-barred street fight. Romney was demonized as someone who; abused his dog, kept a “binder full of women”, maintained 1980s (Russia threat) foreign policy ideals, and killed a man through his heartless business practices.      

Donald Trump is no Ronald Reagan, and he is surely no Mitt Romney, praise God. While we may question President Trump’s methods as being uncouth, what we must come to understand is this -- he is a product of our time. The Left hates Donald Trump, not only because he maintains a different ideological bent, but because he is wholly prepared to enter the fight of the Left’s making. He’s prepared to go toe-to-toe with the ugly Left, and if need be, squishy Republicans, who have talked about “our values” for decades, only to cower at the first sign of adversity.  

What we need to also understand is that, while the Left wishes to make elections about the personality of the candidates (see Oprah), or emotional appeals to disparate grievance groups, the presidency is still really about the ideas. The Left’s ideas were weighed and measured, and found wanting.

  •  The “redistribution of wealth” -- failed.
  •  Leading from behind -- failed.
  •  “Evolving on social issues” -- failed.
  •  Race relations -- failed.
  •  ObamaCare -- failed

What we see in President Trump is, many of Ronald Reagan’s ideas (peace thru strength, supply-side economics, appointment of conservative Judges, enhanced border protections, appeals to working men and women in middle America) being advanced, as only someone like Donald Trump could in today’s “street fight” era.

While we may long for a more civil era, let us stand shoulder to shoulder with our commander-in-chief in this current battle. Our ideas are bearing fruit. The American people are being exposed to the advance of conservative principles. I would encourage the President to do what we’re being told he’s planning to do in the State of the Union Address -- talk about the ideas, talk about the fruit of the implementation of said ideas, and talk, as Mr. Reagan would have, about America’s future, as the “shining city on the hill.”

Leave the left to fight amongst themselves.    

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