Twitter's army of peeping Toms

James O'Keefe's Project Veritas undercover video project has discovered that Big Brother is alive and well, and living on Market Street in San Francisco, in a beautifully restored 1.1-million-square-foot art deco masterpiece formerly known as the Western Furniture Exchange and Merchandise Mart.

O'Keefe's latest video reveals that Twitter – according to its own employees – is paying "hundreds of people" to examine "private" messages sent by Twitter users to one another.  The nine-and-a-half-minute video ought to be enough to convince anyone to avoid using Twitter for any messages that might cause embarrassment to the sender.  The blackmail potential revealed is stunning, as is the sheer creepiness of the entire effort.

If you don't want to spend the time, or just find the entire thing unbearably disgusting, here are the highlights summarized by Project Veritas:

Clay Haynes: "There's teams dedicated to it ... at least, three or four hundred people ... they're paid to look at [d‑‑‑] pics."

Pranay Singh, Twitter Engineer, Says "All your sex messages ... [d‑‑‑] pics ... like, all the girls you've been [f‑‑‑‑‑‑] around with, they're are on my server now ..."

"Everything you send is stored on my server[.] ... You can't [delete it;] it's already on my server."

Claims Twitter Stores Your Private Data to Sell to Advertisers, "They'll make a virtual profile about you"

"You're paying for the right to use our website with your data basically."

"You leak way more information than you think[.] ... Like, if you go to Twitter for the first time, we have information about you."

How Would You Protect People If This Power Fell Into the Wrong Hands?  "You don't," Says Former Twitter Engineer Conrado Miranda[.]  "There is no way."

I can see no reason at all to ever use Twitter for private messaging.  Or for much of anything, other than to see progressives making fools of themselves.

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