What Trump and Obama have in common

They are polar opposites politically, but Donald Trump and Barack Obama do share some qualities.  Both have a charisma that is infectious.  This is one quality that Hillary Clinton lacks.  To rise to a high office such as president, it is helpful to possess this star.  Obama can deliver a stirring speech with the assistance of the video monitor.  Obama is hesitating when being spontaneous.  Trump can speak off the cuff and deliver a dynamic expression of his opinion.  If Trump uses a monitor, he can sound stilted. 


But the personal trait that propelled them to the presidency is their self-confidence.  They both appear comfortable in their skin.  With public appearances, this quality demonstrates a relaxed atmosphere that projects ease for the observer.

Success in the office requires confidence and willingness to take risks.  Proactive and aggressive behavior is usually respected in leaders.  Obama exercised acceptable public behavior but achieved lousy results for our country.  Trump is crude and rude in public, but his actions have given us excellent results so far. 

Obama took this country farther toward socialism than any previous president.  This is significant and demonstrates Obama's capacity for bold moves.  Trump plans to undo all the work of Obama.  If he succeeds, then he will be consequential.  In this regard, they are similar in personality.  They are willing to make a difference.

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