Chicago Police Superintendent: Criminals Think Chicago's Judicial System 'a joke'

Chicago’s slide toward criminal anarchy is a national disgrace, as even its top cop seems to understand. Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson spoke out Wednesday at a news conference to announce murder charges for the shooting of an 11 year-old girl. Via The CBS Chicago:

“They think the judicial system in Cook County is a joke. They just don’t fear it, and until we create that mental accountability to them to not pick up a gun, we’re going to continue to see this cycle of violence, and it’s just silly, it is,” Johnson said. “It’s silly on their part, but even more tragic is the leadership doesn’t listen. If you are in charge of these communities, and you have something to say, or you can do something to prevent this, and you don’t, then that’s a failure on you. Shame on you, because you should be.”

The superintendent said Chicago police have made twice as many gun arrests so far this year as the same time last year, but it’s not making a difference in shootings, because those criminals know they won’t spend much time behind bars.

“The most dangerous thing a police officer can do on a daily basis is arrest a bad guy with a gun, and we’re doing that double what we did last year, and it still doesn’t seem to be a deterrent. Why? Because if I’m a gang member, and I pick up a gun and pull that trigger, if I know I’m going to be out in six months, that’s a baseball season. I can do that,” he said.

One major reason the perps do not fear the judicial machinery is the Illinois law enacted 9 months ago formally called the ”Bail Reform Act,” but widely derided as the “catch and release policy.”  Kim Geiger of the Chicago Tribune described it:

The new law specifies that cash bail is not necessary for people who are in custody for a nonviolent misdemeanor or low-level felony, such as theft, prostitution, driving under the influence or drug possession.

Instead, there will be a presumption that any bail set in connection with those categories of crimes shouldn't be monetary. Other options include electronic home monitoring, curfews, drug counseling, stay-away orders and in-person reporting.

And if a judge sets monetary bond for a person in custody who is unable to come up with the money, a rehearing on the bail must be held within seven days under the new law.

Yesterday, Rick Moran covered the news that inmates in the Cook County lockup applauded the prisoner accused of slaying police Commander Bauer. The perps no longer respect or fear anything about the justice system.  I have written many times about the decline of civil order in Chicago, inching toward third world status. The slippery slope toward anarchy, where decent people fear for their lives in ordinary daily activities is getting steeper and steeper.

Hat tip: Peter von Buol

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