Hypocrite leftists post-shooting: 'Thoughts and prayers don't work'

The new response of the left after every school shooting now is to cave in anyone's head who says "our thoughts and prayers are with the loved ones and families of the victims."  Leftists prefer whipping up hysterics and urging us to pass reams of laws – immediately, of course.

We traditionalists are cold, Pavlovian, robotic.  Ironic, since leftists tend to be the ones always salivating for more statist inroads.   Laws, they say, are what's needed now.  Not ye olde-timey sayings of bygone eras.

No.  We need to march.  Protest.  Scream in someone's ear with a megaphone, toss excrement on a car windshield, and pull out our hair.  Only then can we join their sophisticated club.

More laws.  The ideas are endless.  New laws requiring you to buy "gun insurance," because when you drive your car into someone else's car, a gun is like that.  Hitlerian bans.  Just, like, because.  And large-capacity magazines, hipper-sounding if you shorten it to just "hi-cap."  Yeah, ban those things.  The list of exciting new ideas never ends.

And then there are the thousands of armchair constitutional experts who emerge out of the Facebook forest like redcoats.  Obama was one of those.  These pros know their way around the rhetorical tennis court while they read up on Wiki and drop copy-paste bombs as our Founders dropped cannon on Cornwallis.

Yes, the old "well regulated" business aspect to this whole pyew-pyew-pyew stuff.  They've been a-studying real good.

So goes the endless rounds of Novocain-filled discussion between statists and the liberty-minded, back and forth.  "Well regulated!" they shout.  "What part don't you understand about 'shall not be infringed'?" from the other side.  It starts to sound like the old "less filling, tastes great" Bud Light commercials.  Your ears begin to die.

We are dogs battling for the chew toy.

No one seems to want to find the real cause, or ask the interesting questions, which are the most obvious ones.  Why do we have state utility farms called public schools?  Buses that resemble the ones used by penitentiaries?  Even the chow hall looks like a prison.  They call it a cafeteria.  Endless rows of lockers.

Nowhere in real society does a school represent anything that we will ever experience "on the outs."  It's not real.  It's a false world.  Nothing organically true about it.  And they want to add metal detectors and armed guards now.  Pretty soon, it will be a real prison.  There will be a sniper tower at recess.

The entire structure is built on force.  Property taxes.  You are a battery that generates heat for one of the largest state-run mafias in the world, called public teachers.  If you don't pay up, a lien will be placed on your house.  Renters, you pay it also.  You just don't know it.  It goes to their pensions that are far richer than anyone could ever imagine outside their false world.

They need high head counts.  Fed money is tied to high attendance.  Truancy laws are still a shadowy threat, unspoken, but kids require minders in the form of state guardians.  They are running a money game here.  And if they have a troubled kid, then force the kid to go through "the system" and Clockwork Orange him.

Those kids need to meet with the school psychologist.  With their parents also.  Options are pushed in their direction.  Enter Big Pharma.  We need your kid in the classroom, even if his eyes are glazed over like maple bars.  As long as he can attend, let's try Adderall.

Is it any wonder that little Johnny seems to be consistently taking out his aggression at on the very institution that makes him feel as though he's in One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest?

Pink Floyd has written about this.  Alice Cooper.  Suicidal Tendencies (listen to Institution).  They all talk about this false world of statist public utility camps of indoctrination and having keepers run their lives.  It's not an excuse for what these kids are doing, but it's perhaps a viably alternate explanation.  It's a matrix of social and cultural institutions, where the state ultimately uses a gun to impose its will on society.  Think I'm exaggerating?  Don't pay your property taxes, and see what happens.  Guns will eventually emerge.

Yes, guns, those scary things with banana clips and stuff.  The very thing the left is screeching about, the left uses now as a threat to bankroll its statist dreams.

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