Is Nancy Pelosi 'grateful' for this DACA recipient?

A manhunt is underway in Texas for a so-called "DREAMer" who is believed to have killed the dreams and the body of a good Samaritan who attempted to rescue another person that he had already shot.  Ryan Saavedra reports in the Daily Wire:

Authorities say that Judas Deluna, 21, shot and killed a man outside DJ's Food Mart in Harris County on January 26, after the man came to the aid of another man that they say Deluna also shot. ABC 13 reports:

Investigators believe Deluna got into a fight with a man in the parking lot and retrieved a gun from his vehicle.  He then returned to shoot him.  Rupani, whose father owns the store, was inside.  He came to the shooting victim's aid and was shot, too.  Rupani had two young children and a wife.

Deluna has been at large for three weeks, obviously presenting a danger of further violence against citizens, legal visitors, and even other illegals, DACA beneficiaries or not.

I don't suppose that this criminality has diminished Nancy Pelosi's gratitude for the DACA recipients who have deigned to enrich us all with their presence, and to the parents who brought them here in violation of our laws.  Her stunt faux filibuster in stiletto heels last week wasn't deep sized out of concern for lawlessness.  Here she is last month slobbering all over people like Deluna:

According to ABC, Deluna's family are also enriching our lives with their crimes:

Nearing deportation, again, is where Deluna's father, Manuel Deluna, is.  He is on "hold' status with Immigration and Customs Enforcement since his release from prison last October.

According to Robert Hurst with Texas Department of Criminal Justice, he served four months of a two-year sentence stemming from a SWAT standoff in November 2016.  He barricaded himself after assaulting his wife and daughter.

Five years earlier, Manuel Deluna's other son, Eric Deluna, planned an ambush on an 18-wheeler full of drugs.  It was part of a notorious federal sting that went bad aimed at the Los Zetas cartel.  A federal informant died in a shootout that also left a Harris county sheriff's deputy wounded.

Eric Deluna is serving a 30-year sentence.

Of course, not all DACA beneficiaries are as ungrateful and violent as Deluna and the parents who bestowed him upon us, to Pelosi's gratitude.  But having any such people among us does violence not just to the rule of law, but to ourselves.  Pelosi owes an apology to Deluna's victim.

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