Canada appears to be turning right

Canadians seem just about as fed up with their leftist elites as Americans were in the 2016 elections.  Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is polling far worse than President Trump, and voters in Ontario and Quebec, the two most populous provinces, are poised to throw out their left-leaning governments in elections the spring.

Chris Tomlinson of Breitbart has the story.

Data from polling firm Angus Reid shows that 56 per cent of Canadians now disapprove of Prime Minister Trudeau while only 40 per cent approve, while polling firm Rassmussen [sic] shows U.S. President Donald Trump with a 47 per cent approval rating.

Source: Angus Reid Institute.

If elections were held now, according to the Angus Institute polling, the conservative leader Andrew Scheer would become Canada's prime minister.  Luckily for Trudeau, federal elections are not slated until 2019.  The disgraceful spectacle he made of himself and his family in India has made him a laughingstock around the world and set back Canada's relations with India.


Voters in Ontario and Quebec will elect their leaders this spring, and they seem to be fed up with political correctness and mass immigration, legal and illegal, issues that are powerful on both sides of the border.

In Ontario, former Toronto city councillor and brother of the late Toronto mayor Rob Ford, Doug Ford, won the leadership race of the Progressive Conservative (PC) Party earlier this month running on a largely populist platform promising to fight for average voters against the establishment.

Recent polls have shown Ford's PC party are likely to win a large majority in the Ontario election in June.

Ford is up against current Liberal Premier Kathleen Wynne, who has become infamous for massively increasing the Ontario debt and for her social justice policies such as passing a bill that could allow the Ontario government to take away children if their parents do not accept their child's chosen "gender identity".

In Quebec, where ethnic politics of the French-speaking majority have dominated for decades, mass migration of Muslims from French-speaking territories and illegal immigration are powering a reaction:

In Quebec, the dramatic rise of the centre-right anti-mass migration Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ) has sent shockwaves through the province where the separatist Parti Québécois (PQ) and the Liberal Party have long dominated provincial politics.

For now, CAQ has a small lead over the two established parties:

Recent polls show CAQ leading both establishment parties with a recent poll from March 1st, showing the party at 37 per cent.

In most of the industrialized countries of the Western world, populism is surging, as resentment of top-down imposition of mass immigration and political correctness has provoked a strong reaction.  President Trump has become the de facto leaders of a global populist movement.

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