CNN losing viewers

We saw a lot of internet reaction to Ben Shapiro sitting down with Brian Stelter of CNN.  It was a good presentation by Shapiro, though Stelter had little to say.

CNN's problem is that its business decision to go anti-Trump has diminished its audience.  It used to be the boring news network but very watchable.  It is now the anti-Trump panel network and very unwatchable.  CNN can't keep up with MSNBC's madness.  In other words, if you hate President Trump, then you are going to watch Rachel Maddow present every crazy conspiracy story and rumor rather than Don Lemon.

The numbers are not good – 30% down in year one of Trump's presidency.

According to Bill O'Reilly, people are bored with the daily over-the-top attacks:

There is Trump fatigue sweeping the nation.  Americans are getting to the point where the President's daily journey through life is so exploited by the media, that it's numbing.  Supporters of Trump are growing tired of the attacks on him, even his critics are exhausted by the constant media scrutiny which mostly leads nowhere ie: the Russian-collusion thing.

"60 Minutes" will soon broadcast an interview with a woman who is trying to make money saying she had an affair with Trump long before he entered politics.  Why is "60 Minutes" doing that?

Everybody knows Donald Trump led a flamboyant life as a New York City businessman.  Voters knew about his affair with Marla Maples and still pulled the lever for him.  Why is CBS News enriching a questionable person and her lawyers?

There comes a point when a situation gets so out of control it becomes tedious.  We get it: the media wants Trump out of office.  So does Hollywood, the Democrats, the socialists and on and on.

Ratings for CNN and Fox News have fallen substantially.  A few hate-Trump programs on MSNBC have added viewers but they will soon leave because the shows are boring.

Most of us have had enough.

Indeed they have.  It's time for CNN to go back to boring news and leave the anti-Trump madness to MSNBC.  My guess is that it will get CNN more viewers and bring some joy to shareholders.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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