Cuomo speaks at black church, says Jews can't dance

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is a racist, a white supremacist, and an anti-Semitic politician.

Or at least he would be if he were a conservative Republican.

Cuomo visited a black church and proceeded to "joke" about race and religion.

New York Post:

"I want you to know as a matter of full disclosure, I am a Catholic.  Catholics basically believe the same teachings that Baptists believe," he said.  "We just do it without the rhythm.  But we try.  We are not as without rhythm as some of our Jewish brothers and sisters."

Cuomo even singled out the off-beat swaying of Democratic consultant Hank Sheinkopf, a former campaign adviser who is Jewish, who was sitting in the front row wearing a yarmulke.

"I was watching Mr. Sheinkopf here in the front row moving to the music," Cuomo said of the politico, who was ordained as an Orthodox rabbi in 2011.

"It was ugly, I'll tell you the truth," the governor added.

Oh, by all means, governor, tell us how ugly it was.

Sheinkopf – who said he was at the church because he works for its pastor, the Rev. Johnnie Green, and his Mobilizing Preachers and Communities advocacy group – thought Cuomo's joke fell flat.

"There weren't many people laughing, but I didn't feel humiliated," he told The Post.

Sheinkopf also noted sarcastically: "He's the governor.  He's now in charge of American dancing."

Republican operative Arthur Schwartz, a Jewish, pro-Israel activist, wasn't amused by Cuomo's shtick.

"The governor should focus more on governing and less on Jew jokes," he fumed.

I thought even "joking" about these stereotypes was verboten.  Brings to mind that quote from Orwell's "Animal Farm": "All animals are equal.  But some animals are more equal than others."

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