Media abuse of the 'controversial' label

How is it "controversial" to have a report showing no collusion when there was never any evidence of collusion?  One of the lead stories by Savannah Guthrie on the Today show yesterday was the "controversial decision" by the House Intelligence Committee.

Only to the media and Democrats like Adam Schiff would a report that shows no collusion between Trump and the Russians after fourteen months of an investigation, when absolutely no collusion has been shown, be called a "controversial decision."

In fact, the controversial decision would be the one to start the investigations and hire a special prosecutor when there was never any evidence of collusion from the start.

It should be controversial that the media have run continuous fake stories of Russian collusion for about eighteen months now, even though there was never any proof or reporting that the story was true in the first place. 

What should be considered controversial is how little focus the media, Schiff, and other Democrats give to absolutely true stories and actual criminal activity:

  • Obama illegally spied on thousands of Americans, including on a presidential candidate and his staff.
  • Obama officials continually illegally leaked and unmasked political opponents.
  • Hillary and the DNC paid millions to create a fake Russian dossier in an attempt to destroy the Republican candidate.
  • People from the FBI and Justice including Comey, McCabe, and Lynch repeatedly covered up and lied in order to give their chosen one Hillary a get out of jail free pass despite knowing of the numerous crimes she committed.

Since the media and Democrat story of Russian collusion fell apart a long time ago, they are now focused on another fake story: obstruction of justice.  As a simple-minded person, I have always believed that for obstruction to occur, there has to be an actual crime.

If the media and other Democrats really want to report and investigate obstruction of justice, there are many clear examples they have chosen to virtually ignore:

  • Hillary and her aides destroying emails, computers, and cell phones.
  • IRS destroying documents and computers.
  • Eric Holder lying to Congress and Obama and Holder doing everything they could to hide Fast and Furious documents.
  • The DNC blocking all government agencies from examining their computers even though they say Russia committed the crime of hacking and stealing documents.  On a side note: who killed Seth Rich, and why don't the media, the Justice Department, and other Democrats care?

Yesterday, the Today show also had a long story on porn star Stormy Daniels and her alleged consensual affair with Trump twelve years ago.  Each day, the media set out to destroy Trump, so this is the current story pounding the airwaves.  In contrast, there is little reporting on how well the economy is doing under Trump and how much confidence the people and businesses currently have.

I would ask the media a simple question: what is more important to the young, minorities, and future generations?  An economy that allows people, especially minorities, to move up the economic ladder, or a possible consensual affair from twelve years ago when Trump was a private citizen with a woman who has sex for a living?  Have the media ever treated any other porn star with such respect?

When Barack Obama was running for president in 2008, they virtually ignored his relationship with domestic terrorist killer Bill Ayers, with the racist Reverend Wright, and with the anti-Semite racist Louis Farrakhan (the media are working very hard today to ignore the Democrats' relationship with Farrakhan).  Obama also was a disciple of Saul Alinsky, and that is where he got his ideas to remake (destroy) America as we know it.  Obama's policies gave us the slowest economic recovery in seventy years despite massive government spending increases, massive debt increases, and the compliant Federal Reserve that punished savers and investors with low interest rates.  Think how high the deficits and debt would have been under Obama if interest rates were higher.

It is a shame that the media seek to destroy Trump every day and that they are willing to push fake stories and Democrat talking points instead of sometimes focusing on the tremendous direction of the U.S. economy.

Trump is seeking every day to move the power, purse, and freedom back to the American people where they belong from the ever growing and greedy government, and instead of supporting some of what he does, they seek to destroy him with fake stories of Russian collusion and obstruction and elevating a porn star.  They gladly supported putting the Clintons back in the White House despite their serial physical and mental abuse of women, and somehow they never seemed to care about Bill's relationship with pedophile Jeff Epstein and all the trips on the Lolita Express to Orgy Island.  But somehow they are very concerned about a twelve-year-old affair with Stormy Daniels?

The media endlessly complain that Twitter, Facebook and other social media outlets allow fake news stories to move fast, but the biggest fake stories of the last eighteen months have been the continuous Russian collusion with Trump and the obstruction of justice stories, and the mainstream media are the ones who push those fake stories.

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