Talking about aging porn stars

While Trump moves forward with his pledge of making America great again reality and not just letters on a red hat, all the leftist media want to talk about is some aging porn star trying to revive her stripper career, some sort of tax apocalypse due to Trump's tax plan, the sinking of the global economy due to Trump's tariffs, and North Korea's leader embarrassing Trump at a game of denuclearization whack-a-mole.

Democrats and their compliant and complicit media may have their version of the facts, but reality has its own checks and balances.

In the past month, the stock market is up 6.1% thanks to the tax apocalypse, and the new jobs reports blew away estimates.  It won't be the end of the world any time soon.

Trump announced tariffs on steel, and the market responded by going up 1.77% Friday.  Ignoring this resounding approval by the people who have the most to lose, Dems and leftist media, who thought tariffs were great when Bernie Sanders proposed them, now consider them bad because Trump passes them.  I guess businesses don't see this quite the same way.  Best quote on tariffs, attributed to Sarah Palin: Trump isn't starting a trade war.  He's trying to win a trade war.  

Scheduling a face-to-face with North Korea's leader would have put Obama side by side with Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Roosevelt on Mt. Rushmore.  But don't pull out those chisels for Trump just yet.  When Trump agreed to meet with Kim, the media put their collective legs over their heads trying to contort it into something earth-shatteringly bad.

As for Stormy Daniels (now a leftist household name, if you can believe it), she is reviving her career and cashing in on the shoulders (front, back, pole, trapeze, whatever) of Trump.  This is apparently a bigger story than the NoKo meeting, according to MSNBC and CNN.  This is such an old story that it's turning into the jump-the-shark moment for the Dems and media.  You must appreciate her embrace of capitalism.  You go, girl.  I won't be stuffing any bills in the aging stripper's diaper anytime soon.

And where is all this turmoil leading?  According to Dem messaging, parroted by the media...recession, of course.

We know how wrong self-described-super-smart Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman was about the stock market tanking if Trump wins.  Now Clinton-supporting economist Mark Zandi is predicting that Trump's tariffs are leading us into recession.  But wait – this is a broken record.  Prior to Trump's election, Zandi predicted the following:

"The economy will be significantly weaker if Mr. Trump's economic proposals are adopted," Zandi and three colleagues write.  "[If] all his stated policies become law, the economy suffers a lengthy recession and is smaller at the end of his four-year term than when he took office. By the end of his presidency, there are close to 3.5 million fewer jobs and the unemployment rate rises to as high as 7%, compared with below 5% today. During Mr. Trump's presidency, the average American household's after-inflation income will stagnate, and stock prices and real house values will decline."

 WSJ quoted these analysts who have a slightly different take on Trump's economy.

Neil Dutta, head of economics at Renaissance Macro Research: "Strong growth in payroll employment is not typical if the economy is 'late-cycle.'  There is still room to run in this labor market recovery."

David Donabedian, chief investment officer of CIBC Atlantic Trust: "Over the last two months, the job market has absorbed 1.3 million new entrants into the labor force, allowing the unemployment rate to stay at 4.1% – a remarkable testament to the underlying strength in this economy.  We continue to expect the strongest year of economic growth since 2005."

David Kelly, the chief global strategist at JPMorgan Asset Management: "The February employment report was positive all round, showing booming job growth and muted wages and a strong economy with still some room to run."

I guess for now I'll avoid aging porn stars and just keep watching those "crumbs" piling up in my bank account, no thanks to Pelosi.

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