Armed 'Women for Trump' graduation pic generates hate

A University of Tennessee senior posted her graduation pictureon Twitter that featured her wearing a "Women for Trump" T-shirt and a gun in her waistband. 

Writing, "I don't take normal graduation photos," Brenna Spencer immediately felt the wrath of gun control advocates.

Washington Times:

All it took for University of Tennessee senior Brenna Spencer to spark a viral gun debate was a “Women for Trump” shirt and a personal handgun.

Gun control advocates were none too pleased this week when a 22-year-old “Volunteer” attracted nearly 75,000 “likes” to her graduation picture. Reactions to the pro-Second Amendment image also garnered the attention of media outlets ranging from ABC News to The New York Post.

“I did think that it would get a little attention but not to this degree,” Ms. Spencer told ABC for an interview publishedMonday. “It was really, really surprising to see the amount of hate that I got.”

The photo was taken Saturday outside the Hunter Museum of American Art in Chattanooga.

“I don’t take normal college graduation photos,” a caption with her tweet says.

That she got 75,000 "likes" is also significant, and no doubt drove her detractors batty. Some of those detractors are in serious need of professional counseling.

  • “Female Trump supporters are hurting the cause of empowering women by supporting Trump, who has zero respect for women or their rights.”
  • “The only thing that looks right in this pic is if you’re thinking of jumping [off the bridge].”
  • “White privilege at its finest!”
  • “This picture screams #walmart #peopleofwalmart.”
  • “Looking like her Dad and Mom are second cousins.”
  • “Yet her white ass would still bash [people of color] for gun violence. I f—g hate trump America.”
  • “I don’t agree with just supporting women blindly just because they’re women. Female Trump supporters couldn’t care less about women’s rights.”

It wouldn't do any good to tell these people to lighten up, it's only a picture. They think they have pro-Second Amendment supporters on the run with fallout from the school shooting in Florida and the rise of the pro-gun control movement. In truth, I think it makes the critics look silly. Ms. Spencer is carrying the gun legally and it is her Constitutional right to own one. To pretend that it's close to the end of the world that a picture with an attractive woman carrying a gun is posted on a popular social media platform only makes the critics look hysterical - which, of course, they are.

The fact that Ms. Spencer's picture went viral may encourage other young women to follow suit. If that happened, it would be worth all the criticism endured by this brave young woman.


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