Broward deputies man up

In the wake of the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting of last February, when the Broward Sheriff's Department stood to one side in fear and trembling while the demented Nikolas Cruz shot up the school (killing 17 people), Broward deputies have found someone they feel secure in trying to intimidate.

This past weekend, Stoneman Douglas student Kyle Kashuv visited a gun range with his father, who wanted to teach him how to shoot.  If that name sounds familiar, it should – Kashuv was the odd man out among the shooting survivors, the one who remained pro-Second Amendment despite all pressures to do otherwise.  While David Hogg postured in his 1984 Inner Party member suit and the others read their replies from cue cards, Kashuv gave thoughtful, informed replies to leading media questions.

As is typical of the moment, Kashuv memorialized his outing on social media, putting up a number of photos on Twitter.  All well and good until he reported to school yesterday.

There he was ordered to the principal's office, where he was met by an armed "school resource officer" (read: school cop), who escorted him to his office and, with the aid of another cop, one sitting behind Kashuv, the other in front (can't be too careful about these 2nd Amendment types, y'know), subjected him to an interrogation regarding why he'd gone shooting, whom he'd gone with, what gun they'd used, and so on.  Eventually, yet a third officer appeared, to engage in the customary police practice of asking the exact same questions all over again, interspersed with jeers about Kashuv's support for gun rights.  Apparently, no thought was given to the policy that no student should be questioned without a parent present.

The school, along with the "school resource officer collective," or whatever they call it, will claim to be engaged in "zero tolerance," "taking no chances," and "going the extra mile."  This is nonsense – what happened with Kashuv is simply virtue-posturing crossed with the ancient cop routine of sandbagging a third party to cover up a mistake.  In February, the Broward County force collapsed on the job, cowering as a maniac stalked innocents, and now they seriously think they can make up for it with an elaborate kabuki theater ritual.

We need not worry about Kyle Kashuv, who obviously can handle himself under any circumstances.  The police are another matter.  As the Nashville Waffle House shooting demonstrated this same weekend, there exists no level of policing in this country, from local to federal, that can adequately differentiate a demented shooter from a law-abiding citizen or show any sign that police know what to do when they find one.

Nor do they care, as long as they have a compliant media and a fanatic liberal establishment to cover for them.  And so the long black sabbath rolls on.

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