Juan Williams's comparison to Chappaquiddick could not have been dumber

On the April 5 Fox show The Five, the crew was discussing the movie Chappaquiddick and how some "powerful people on the left" tried to block the movie.

It is telling that some still want to block a movie about how Kennedy left Mary Jo Kopechne to die inside the submerged car that he drove off the bridge in 1969.  Kennedy is dead, so why hide the truth at this late stage?

Williams said he didn't know the "story" of Chappaquiddick.  You would expect that someone whose job is a paid political commentator would know the story.  Kennedy would have been the Democratic nominee for president but for Chappaquiddick.  Kennedy was lauded by the Dems and the media as the Lion of the Senate.

 It is important, therefore, to know the how Kennedy acted.  It isn't that complicated.  Kennedy drove off the bridge into the pond, swam away, and left Mary Jo Kopechne in the submerged car to die.  Kennedy waited close to ten hours to report to the police.  Had he reported it immediately when he swam away to safety, Ms. Kopechne would have probably survived.  It does not take a detective to figure out that the ten-hour delay was for Kennedy to sober up and concoct a story.  The details have been known to anyone interested, at least since Leo Damore's factual, exhaustive book Senatorial Privilege, The Chappaquiddick Coverup, published in 1988.

If not knowing about Chappaquiddick isn't bad enough for a paid political commentator, Williams then outdid himself.   He said that while the left wanted to block the Chappaquiddick movie, the "right" wanted to block the movie about President Reagan's last years while he was afflicted with Alzheimer's.  This is beyond stupidity and civility.  How could anyone compare a movie about President Reagan's Alzheimer's with Ted Kennedy leaving Mary Jo Kopechne to die in a car submerged in a pond that he put her in?  How is that equivalent, analogous, or relevant? There is no equivalency between blocking the truth about how Kennedy caused Ms. Kopechne to die and respecting the privacy of President Reagan during the last years of his life.

Williams's tasteless, stupid remark shows again that leftist commentators will say anything about Republican presidents.

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