American Cancer Society, American Heart Association propping up Obamacare

Would it surprise you to learn that virtuous organizations like the American Cancer Society, the American Heart Association, the March of Dimes, and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society are in bed with Obamacare advocates?

President Trump, to his credit, is trying to lower the cost of insurance for the vast majority of the American public.  Obamacare was set up as a scheme to force healthy people to pay higher premiums to subsidize less healthy people with unlimited healthcare (unlimited since the caps on insurance payments have been outlawed by Obamacare).  Formerly, sicker people would be segregated in high-risk pools, where they would have to pay more to get more coverage.  Now that discriminating based on pre-existing conditions has been outlawed, a person can wait until he gets catastrophically sick and then require other insurance policy-holders to foot the bill by paying higher premiums.

President Trump is trying to alleviate some of the distortive effects of regulation by allowing insurance plans with less attractive coverage but also more attractive premiums, which would be of more interest to healthy people who don't want to pay for a Cadillac plan.

After the failure to repeal the healthcare law last year, the Trump administration is weighing two controversial new rules to loosen regulations governing health plans. ...

Altogether, more than 95% – or 266 of 279 – of the healthcare groups that filed comments about the proposed association health plan regulation expressed serious concern or opposed it, the Times analysis found.

It's no surprise that liberals are furious that their redistribution plans are being undercut, but what is a surprise is the identity of some of the actors involved.

Among the groups were virtually every leading patient advocate in the county, including the American Lung Assn., the American Heart Assn., the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, the March of Dimes, the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Susan G. Komen, AARP and the advocacy arm of the American Cancer Society.

I can guess the motivations of the ACS and the AHA.  They want everyone to be covered for illness.  But cost, and who pays for it, doesn't concern them.  They are so shortsighted that they do not realized that unlimited health care for all simply isn't viable, that premiums to pay for it will drive middle-class wage-earners out of the insurance market.  Unfortunately, their motivations are governed by feelings rather than an understanding of basic economics.  Equally unfortunately, some of the money they receive in donations is undoubtedly used to lobby for the socialized health care leviathan.

So the next time you donate to the American Cancer Society or the American Heart Association, your donation may be going to a worthy cause...or it may be going to lobbying to keep Obamacare in place.

Ed Straker is the senior writer at

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