Gov. Abbott hits the target in Texas

We are still waiting for the Democrats to select their nominee for governor. It will happen on May 22.

At the same time, I have never seen a campaign for governor like this.

First, there are no radio ads for either campaign.  Normally, primary radio ads flood Texas radio.  And second, they had a debate, but it was seen only in Austin, or for those who were willing to stream it.

Governor Abbott is assuming that Miss Valdez will be the nominee, and he is on the attack.  It was a brilliant ad.  In fact, it was so brilliant and on target that the left is already playing the "lesbian card."

This is the ad:

The Abbott camp's new site and Web ad say that Valdez, if elected, would "eviscerate" the state's ban on sanctuary cities, reverse its recently passed restrictions on abortion and expand Medicaid to adults of working age under Obamacare.

In the 30-second ad, while a narrator touts how Abbott has helped to make Texas "the most pro-life state in the nation," the screen includes a caption.

Superimposed on a photo of Valdez, it cites this remark from her, as reported by the San Antonio Express-News in late January: "My partner is a very strong, independent chiropractor.  For me to try to tell her what she should do with her body, she would tell me what to do with my mouth."

Valdez was referring to her partner, Lindsay Brown.

Talk about a perfect strike from Governor Abbott!

The ad had nothing to do with Miss Valdez's sexual orientation.  It actually had to do with Miss Valdez's biggest vulnerabilities:

1. Sanctuary cities and the S.B. 4 law signed by Governor Abbott and recently blessed by a federal court, 3-0.

2. Abortion, a loser with Hispanic women, as Miss Wendy Davis learned in 2014.

We don't know if Miss Valdez will win the primary, although I think she will because Mr. White is known only to his family.  Nevertheless, it's good to see that Governor Abbott will play hardball and force Valdez, or White, to explain difficult positions.

PS: You can listen to my show (Canto Talk) and follow me on Twitter.

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