Schneiderman schadenfreude surplus

President Trump famously warned us during the campaign that we may not be able to handle all the winning.  I am already running into a related non-problem: so much schadenfreude over the disgrace and resignation of New York A.G. Eric Schneiderman that I am overwhelmed with shameful joy in the richly deserved reckoning for an über-hypocrite.  Best of all, two separate groups are deeply compromised: abortion-worshiping feminists and the get Trump cabal.

For those who haven't been following the story that broke yesterday, Ronan Farrow and Jane Mayer of the New Yorker published a blockbuster exposé of Schneiderman's alleged abuse of several ex-girlfriends, including "beatings, at least two death threats, violence, racism, and threats to use the power of his office to pursue his prey," as the New York Sun summarized.

Ed Straker covered the lurid language of Schneiderman toward his Sri Lankan girlfriend, whom he called his "brown slave," in what Schneiderman excused as "role-playing" in the light of his pose as a feminist champion.  The parallels with Harvey Weinstein, another purported feminist champion who used his support for abortion to justify sexual abuse of women, are startling.  It is, in fact, an old game for male sexual predators on the left.  Schneiderman was playing this card as recently as five days ago:

And his useful idiots have lapped it up for years:

But there are serious political implications here beyond the embarrassing Senator Gillibrand and feminist sell-outs.  Another member of the get Trump cabal is biting the dust.

Schneiderman joins Andrew McCabe and James Comey in needing to lawyer up for prosecutions that seem inevitable now.  The Manhattan district attorney has already opened an investigation.  Schneiderman has been working with Robert Mueller to indict the president on some state-level beef where Trump's pardon power does not work. 

Politico, last August:

Special counsel Robert Mueller's team is working with New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman on its investigation into Paul Manafort and his financial transactions, according to several people familiar with the matter.

The cooperation is the latest indication that the federal probe into President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman is intensifying.  It also could potentially provide Mueller with additional leverage to get Manafort to cooperate in the larger investigation into Trump's campaign, as Trump does not have pardon power over state crimes.

The two teams have shared evidence and talked frequently in recent weeks about a potential case, these people said.  One of the people familiar with progress on the case said both Mueller's and Schneiderman's teams have collected evidence on financial crimes, including potential money laundering.

This morning on Fox & Friends, Judge Andrew Napolitano noted that Schneiderman took part in some of the meetings mentioned by Peter Strzok and Lisa Page in their text messages.

Schneiderman has been an arch-enemy of Donald Trump for a long, long time.  In a prophetic tweet from almost eight years ago, Trump eerily forecast yesterday's demise:

And even before this tweet, Trump teased that Schneiderman had revealed some incriminating news about then-president Obama and still-N.Y. governor Andrew Cuomo:

I suspect that in due time, we shall find out what Schneiderman blabbed to citizen Trump five years ago.

Photo courtesy of the Office of Rep. Jerrold Nadler, via Wikimedia Commons.



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