Comparing separations

All of us, including the Trump administration and Congress, are properly concerned about the well-being of illegal alien children at the southern border.  Apparently, for a number of years, our government, through the Office of Refugee Resettlement has been providing their shelter, food, clothing, and bathroom and shower facilities.  Their stays at the ORR facilities are temporary until they are reconnected with their parents.  So we need not exaggerate our shame and sympathy for the separation of immigrant children from their parents when there is a far more heinous separation ongoing: abortion. 

Abortion is the real human separation.  Some may deny that abortion is killing or murder, but no one can deny that it is the unnatural and irreversible separation of two living human entities, offspring ("fetus") and mother. 

Put the two separations in perspective.

Alien children separation: There are currently just over 2,000 illegal alien children temporarily separated from their parents.  The number rises and falls each month as new parents with children are apprehended and sentenced while others are released and rejoined with their children after serving their sentences.  Sentencing for illegal entry, re-entry, and smuggling can be up to 15 months.  Sentences for first-time illegal entry can be a matter of a few days or weeks.  

Separation by abortion:  According to the latest Guttmacher Institute statistics, in 2014, almost 2,500 human fetuses were separated from their mothers every day in the United States.  Over 60 million human fetuses have been separated since 1973.  Let those, who claim that we require a larger population to do all of the work that needs to be done in the United States, help to put an end to abortion.  Let those jobs be filled by the 900,000 men and women who, without abortion, would be born in the U.S. every year.  They would have a prior right to these opportunities over those from outside of our borders.

The real engineers of human separations are not the Department of Homeland Security or the Office of Refugee Resettlement, but organizations like Planned Parenthood and everyone in and out of politics who supports the abortion industry.  Those who profess outrage over the separation of the illegal alien children have no credibility unless they express equal or greater indignation over the appalling human separation called abortion.  Concern over this separation is where our sympathy and empathy should lie.

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