Media clutch their pearls over President Trump's refusal to defend Obamacare

If anyone wants to see pure hypocrisy by the media, just look at how they are reporting the Trump administration not defending the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Obamacare in court.

The Obama administration absolutely refused to defend the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), another standing law that was subject to court challenge, even though he actually campaigned by saying he was only for marriage between a man and a woman, and the law was passed overwhelmingly by both parties.  I recall the media supporting this decision and never saying it was, as the Washington Post reported: "a dramatic break from the executive branch's tradition of arguing to uphold existing statutes[.]"

The Obama administration refused to enforce immigration laws, too, and changed them at will.  The media not only didn't care, but supported every move.  The media support sanctuary cities and states and chastise the Trump administration when it goes to court to enforce the laws Congress has passed.

Now there's a court challenge to Obamacare.  Recall that Obama and others repeatedly lied when they passed the so-called Affordable Care Act by saying you could keep your plan and your doctor if you liked them, but now the media just can't stand that the Trump administration won't defend the individual mandate the way Obama wouldn't defend the Defense of Marriage Act, and they act as though they can't remember a previous president not defending some law.  Here's the Washington Post again, clutching its pearls:

The Trump administration said Thursday night that it will not defend the Affordable Care Act against the latest legal challenge to its constitutionality – a dramatic break from the executive branch's tradition of arguing to uphold existing statutes and a land mine for health insurance changes the ACA brought about.

Of course, the media sat through eight years where Hillary and her staff were above the law, Lois Lerner and IRS were above the law, Obama was above the law for illegally spying, and Attorney General Eric Holder, National Intelligence director James Clapper, CIA director John Brennan, and others were all above the law, despite committing what looks like to the rest of us perjury.

The media, the Obama administration, and other Democrats have also treated and supported illegal aliens as if they were above the law.  If a U.S. citizen used illegal, forged documents for anything, they could be charged with felonies, but if illegal immigrants do that, Democrats say that is OK.  It is about time the media stop pretending they all of a sudden care about the rule of law.

Now they are ripping Trump for saying he is above the law when he absolutely didn't say or imply that he is.  All he said is that constitutionally, he could pardon himself if he was charged by Mueller, which is exactly what the law says.  He would be acting within the law.  The only time he couldn't pardon himself is if he was impeached and he never said he could if that were the scenario.

We sat through an imperialist president for eight years, and the media cheered for him every step of the way and supported a corrupt woman to succeed him and continue the imperialist ways of confiscating greater and greater power for the government, including the bureaucrats.  President Trump is trying to give the power, purse, and freedom back to the people as fast as he can (exactly what the Founding Fathers would have wanted), and the media and other Democrats are trashing him every day even, even though he is doing exactly the opposite of what a dictator would do.

It is a shame that the media are actively supporting the swamp-dwellers to maintain their control over the people instead of supporting the people.

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