Racism at Harvard: The war we fight against leftism

Two weeks ago,  the head of Harvard’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital , Elizabeth Nabel, yanked down 30 portraits from the lobby of the hospital. They are paintings of people who have made great contributions to excellence in medicine. Their crime? They did not have enough tyrosine polymers accumulated in their dermal melanocytes- excuse me, they were too white.

These Americans who have rejected or never learned liberal American Judeo Christian values will, like Dr. Elizabeth Nabel head of the hospital call this a beautiful , progressive act of  “inclusion and diversity.”  George Orwell would recognize such wretched turning words and their meaning on their heads.  On the other hand, the millions of the rest of us who reject such Leftist poison, and embrace liberalism, call it what it is, an abhorrent, pagan, illiberal act of blatant racism. We reject such horrid notions. We embrace our liberal traditions which give no quarter to judging a man based on skin color. We have our  American moral compass intact and judge men as they should be judged- on merit, excellence, achievement, character and behavior. 

 The argument goes from these foolish warriors of the Left- “We do not care that Dr. Harvey Cushing, one of the men ripped from the walls of Harvard accomplished incredible excellence in surgery. (He, in fact became known as the father of modern neurosurgery. ) But excellence and merit are not what we are to recognize in America anymore. What we recognize is melanin, skin pigmentWe recognize merit as belonging to some racial group.”

Regressive racism has come to America and poisoned our most elite institutions from the Democratic Party, to our public schools, media, Hollywood, and universities.   We now have American adults with high SAT scores but absent wisdom ripping down symbols of excellence because a person’s skin is not pigmented enough. We’ve seen them at Harvard organizing “black graduations” and “black dorms.”  How far we have fallen. 

The wise liberal leaders of our past understood what would transpire. They knew we would wreck this beautiful liberal American experiment on our own. Foreigners were not strong enough to do it. Lincoln said:  If destruction be our lot we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen we must live through all time or die by suicide."  The American Left, not Donald Trump or Republicans, are attempting national suicide.  Millions of us are fighting back- trying to keep this country from irreversibly leaping into the dark abyss.  We condemn Dr. Elizabeth Nabel and her Leftist, truly racist,  illiberal action and her compatriots that embrace this toxic ideology.  Someone get those men of excellence back into Harvard and escort Dr. Nabel and her racism out. 

Photo credit: brighamandwomens.org

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