The legitimacy of hypocrisy

When President Trump responded to Kim Jong Un's aggressive military behavior with belittling rhetoric, the liberal politicians and media warned that Trump was bringing us to the brink of World War III.

When Trump first announced that a summit was planned for June 12, the same people said he was doing "an end zone dance before he even reached the 50-yard line."

When the summit was canceled by Trump initially, they branded him a failure, yet when the summit was back on to its original date, Trump was "being played."

The same politicians and media who said they would give Trump credit if he could pull off a summit now criticize the summit, complaining that it gave Kim Jong-un legitimacy.  North Korea already gained world legitimacy when they were allowed into the Olympic Games earlier this year in Pyeongchang, South Korea, and when Kim Jong-un crossed the DMZ to meet with President Moon of South Korea.

You didn't see the press criticizing the Olympic Committee or President Moon for legitimizing Kim Jong-un.  But remember when the liberal politicians and media excoriated Vice President Mike Pence for ignoring Kim Jong-un's sister at the Olympics (not giving North Korea legitimacy) but fawned all over Kim's sister and how she out-classed Pence?  Where were their legitimizing concerns then?

And now the people who were "disgusted" seeing the American and North Korean flag flying together at the summit (as they did in the Olympics) are the same people who think it's fine to disrespect the American flag during our national anthem.

There is, however, amidst all this hypocrisy, a consistency: the utter hatred for this president; criticism for anything he does; and, ironically enough, the refusal to recognize him as the legitimate president of the United States!

Odd, isn't it, how this hatred comes from the supposed ideology of love, peace, and inclusion?  Yeah, well, that's the legitimacy of hypocrisy.

Image: "The Happy Hypocrite" by William Orpen.

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