Charlottesville has its boogeymen and it’s not letting go

This weekend marks the one year anniversary of the police stand down that led to the Antifa riot and the death of Heather Heyer last August in Charlottesville.  Hundreds rallied yesterday, with more expected today. On Wednesday, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam and the City of Charlottesville declared a preemptive state of emergency, and released the details for a locked down security zone around the downtown mall. 

The city has banned a long list of items considered to be an “Implement of Riot,” and police officials have promised a heavy presence to deter violence.  In addition, the Virginia National Guard has been authorized to assist in security efforts.  And, lastly, for the general safety of the public, the city is closing roads, recreation parks, and the local recycling center for the weekend.

One year ago (photo credit: Mark Dixon via Wikimedia Commons)

One mile from downtown, the University of Virginia (UVA) will be closing The Lawn for a tickets only solidarity event in front of Thomas Jefferson’s Rotunda, and various other campaigns and events have been sponsored around the city for spiritual reflection and unity (here, here, and here.)  All of which, of course, are aimed at coming together to “resist” hate and Nazis and white supremacists in America.

On Tuesday, new UVA President James E. Ryan released an open letter to the University community.  Therein, he committed UVA to the safety and security of everyone on University grounds.  His letter began,

“As we approach the anniversary of the neo-Nazi and white supremacist marches last August…”

But, wait a minute, hold on….  Strangely enough, the police have not released any warnings of credible threats to the public, or of any neo-Nazi white supremacist plans to assemble in Charlottesville.  Unite The Right, the legal permit holders who were driven from the public square in last year’s Antifa riot in Charlottesville, will be two hours away in Lafayette Park across from the White House.  Nevertheless, the city has geared up for a shutdown, and some residents are comparing it to martial law.  The city has a new police chief, and she’s determined not to have a repeat of last summer’s riot, even if there is no evidence of a coming conflict.

On the other hand, “regular crime” is widespread in Charlottesville, and it’s not caused by neo-Nazis and white supremacists. In their homes and businesses, residents are high on diversity and inclusion and “We’re glad you are our neighbor” signs.  But, in the streets, it’s the relatives and neighbors of the diversity and inclusion crowd who are committing the crime. Or, quelle horreur, maybe it’s the diversity crowd itself committing the crime!

Here is a sampling of the crime roll from the last year and a half:

10-13-2017     Police shoot and kill an armed man resisting arrest.

09-11-2017     Man shot and killed on First Street South.

02-05-2017     Man shot and killed near 10th street.

06-22-2018      Woman shot and killed at Days Inn

05-14-2018     Man shoots and kills estranged fiance.

05-07-2018     Man shoots and kills brother-in-law.

04-04-2018     Man shot in drug-related crime on Rio Hill Drive.

05-09-2018     Man sentenced in drug-related shooting.

03-16-2017     16-year-old shot near 6th Street.

12-05-2017     Man shot near Hardy Drive.

07-13-2017     Police investigate multiple shootings.

07-08-2017     Man shot near Garrett Street.

07-12-2017     Shots fired near Bavaro Hall at UVA.

07-04-2017     MS 13 gang linked to murder in Albemarle County.

08-29-2017     Man convicted of raping 85 year-old woman.

08-23-2017     SWAT team arrests armed robbers.

08-24-2017     Two people arrested for cocaine distribution.

07-06-2017     Police arrest six people on assault charges.

07-07-2017     Trial date set for sex trafficking case.

07-12-2017     Police arrest man in stabbing case.

07-13-2017     Teens found guilty of robbing people near UVA.

07-06-2017     Suspect in police shoot-out back in court.

04-20-2017     Man charged with sexual assault on Rivanna Trail.

12-08-2017     Man charged in abduction attempt.

This anecdotal list is meant to show that Charlottesville has it all: murders, shootings, stabbings, rapes, robberies, assaults, drugs, abductions, sex trafficking, and gangs. 

The month-to-month crime blotter has a level of violence all its own, yet the Charlottesville propaganda machine would have you believe that Nazis and white supremacists are the biggest threats to the city.  On a monthly basis, there are dead and wounded all around the city, but you can’t constantly have solidarity events and unity concerts for the monthly crime roll of shootings, stabbings, assaults, rapes, and robberies.

For that, you need a really bad boogeyman.  And that’s why the Charlottesville propagandists need their Nazis.  The threat of a hypothetical Nazi invasion will get you a city wide shut down, unity meetings for introspection and reflection, and re-education camps to promote the cultural Marxist mainline. It’s so much easier to hate the Nazis than it is to maintain a safe city throughout the year.

So here we are in the Charlottesville security zone of August 2018. The city is awash in surveillance cameras and there will be 700 state troopers in town for the weekend, and by golly it’s all because of the Nazis.  But that doesn’t matter.  There will be plenty of unity forums to attend, and discussions of implicit bias, and meetings for solidarity.  Why, this weekend should just be a jolly time in the bubble - but don’t stray outside the bubble, or you might get shot by your diverse neighbor.

James G. Robertson is a University of Virginia alumnus and Charlottesville resident.

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