Lib media worry about crime wave in Mexico 'caused' by America

We all know about cross-border crime on the Mexico border.  What we don't know, according to the liberal media, is that the crime is all one-way: Mexico does not export crime to America, but America causes crime in Mexico.  A lot of it!  Who knew?

The genesis of the article was a remark by President Trump that Mexico's murder rate increased by 27% to 31,000 murders in 2017, in justification for Trump's request for a border wall.
The liberal media could not let that stand!

So they cited reports claiming that Mexico does not cause crime in America.  Those stories you hear about Phoenix being the kidnap capital of America?  Ignore them!

In what officials caution is now a dangerous and even deadly crime wave, Phoenix, Arizona has become the kidnapping capital of America, with more incidents than any other city in the world outside of Mexico City and over 370 cases last year alone.  In fact, kidnappings and other crimes connected to the Mexican drug cartels are quickly spreading across the border, from Texas to California.  The majority of the victims are either illegal aliens or connected to the drug trade.

The fact that 32% of federal inmates are illegal aliens?  Don't pay attention to that, either!

Instead, focus on how America is "causing" crime in Mexico:

1. Private gun ownership is basically illegal in Mexico.  So guns are smuggled in from America and are used on a population that can't defend itself.  But instead of welcoming these undocumented gun-owners and bringing them "out of the shadows," promoting gun equality for all, Mexico cracks down on illegal gun ownership, even separating families from their guns in tearful, emotional scenes, only further fueling the cross-border smuggling.

2. All the violence of drug-traffickers is the fault of Americans who use drugs.  If Americans didn't buy narcotics, there wouldn't be drug-traffickers in Mexico!  No one else would buy them!  Once again, it's America's fault, not the fault of the brutal, extremely corrupt Mexican police and justice system.  Note how it's America's fault for having a demand for drugs but also America's fault for Mexico's demand for guns.  Whether America is the supplier or the end user, it's always America's fault!

3, America has been funding efforts to fight drug-traffickers in Mexico.  That only makes the drug cartels angrier and angrier.  If we didn't fight the drug cartels, they would be as peaceful as lambs.

Liberals oppose building a border wall to protect America from Mexico.  Do you think they could be convinced to support building a border wall to protect Mexico from America?

Ed Straker is the senior writer at

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