Michael Cohen is trolling Mueller

The left has a "new" talking point, a "new" charge against Donald Trump that should get more attention today than when it broke yesterday, having been overshadowed by the guilty verdict in the Paul Manafort trial. 

The supposed bombshell came when Trump's onetime personal attorney, Michael Cohen, pleaded guilty to two counts of violating campaign finance laws for arranging payoffs to women who claimed to have had affairs with Donald Trump.  Cohen said his actions were done "at the direction of the candidate."

In truth, this an old allegation that gained new life yesterday when a shady lawyer cut a deal.  Michael Cohen saw an opportunity to use the left's current and only campaign strategy to save his own skin by trolling the Muller investigation.

Michael Cohen (photo credit: Iowapolitics.com via Flickr).

And why not?  When you're dealing with people whose sole mission is to indict, literally indict, the president of the United States, the biggest fish of them all, this is a clever tactic.  The sell is made easier by mainstream media in search of another revelation, another piece of click-bait.  All of it is predicated upon a fiction.

The Mueller investigation is the Democrats' second attempt to defeat Donald Trump, a man who has done more to expose their sordid hypocrisies than anyone.  Are Democrats winning any policy arguments?  Is there even one positive message they can use in the midterms?  None of which I am aware.  Their campaign strategy is all anti-Trump all the time.

Following a series of embarrassing losses in the past eight years, with the ultimate repudiation being the election of Trump himself, Democrats have been reduced to a heckling mass of malcontents in the nosebleed section of American politics.  What else do they have?

Democrats are betting that an inattentive citizenry will reach the conclusion that Trump is corrupt and his election was illegitimate.  In short, Democrats are campaigning, and Michael Cohen, a dishonest lawyer, sold them a story.

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