Rasmussen: Black approval rating of Trump now at 29%

If this figure reported in Rasmussen's daily presidential tracking poll Friday is anywhere close to accurate, Democrats are closing in on a crisis.  While to poll results available to the general public reported on the Rasmussen Reports website do not contain the racial breakdown (Rasmussen pays its bills by selling detailed breakdowns of its polling results to political pros), so notable was the figure that Rasmussen tweeted out a notice:



Given the booming economy, many African-Americans are experiencing opportunities for employment the likes of which were completely unavailable during the eight years of America's First Black President.  Opportunity is calling, and many people of any race who previously despaired of bettering themselves through work are finding out that a rising tide does indeed lift all boats.

With approval nearing one third of American blacks, it is no longer viable for Democrats to insist that Trump is such a vile racist that any favorable views of him should be censured by all right-thinking African-Americans.

The Democrats heavily depend on 90-plus-percent turnout and 90-plus-percent support for Democrats among African-Americans.  If that level of support falls to 71%, the game is more or less over.  Of course, support voiced to an automated poll in a phone call is different from pulling lever to vote, but it is the start of a process that has another two years to playout before Trump's name faces voters again.

You can bet that Bill Maher is far from the only leftist hoping that America experiences an economic crash.



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