Trump hosts prominent conspiracy nut in the Oval Office

Donald Trump posed for an Oval Office picture with a man who is promoting the conspiracy theory that top Democrats are part of an international pedophilia ring. 

YouTube conspiracy theorist Lionel Lebron posted the photo and account of his meeting with Trump on Instagram.

One thing is for sure: Trump made this guy's day.

Daily Beast:

Lebron is one of the internet's leading promoters of QAnon, the pro-Trump conspiracy theory based on a series of anonymous clues posted to internet forums.  QAnon believers have interpreted the clues, which they claim without evidence are coming from a highly placed source in the Trump administration, to mean that Trump and the military are engaged in a high-stakes shadow war against a supposed globalist pedophile cult.  The conspiracy theory has caught on with Trump supporters, who have held up QAnon-related signs and wear QAnon shirts to the president's rallies.

Lebron claimed to have received a "special guided tour of the White House" before posing for pictures with Trump.  In a video posted Friday, Lebron said he didn't use the brief encounter with the president to ask Trump about QAnon or its slogan, "Where we go one, we go all."

"I think we all know he knows about it," Lebron said in the video, sipping from a coffee mug he claimed to have received as a gift at the White House.

White House officials claim they knew nothing about the meeting.

Lebron didn't respond to a request for comment as of press time.  Neither did White House spokespeople.

All four White House officials the Beast did speak with about how Trump, the leader of the free world, ended up in a smiling photo op at the Resolute Desk with a prominent QAnon conspiracy theorist, pleaded ignorance about when this occurred, and why.  Two of these West Wing officials audibly could not contain their laughter.

In Trump's defense, all presidents meet with all sorts of people, and Lebron is a prominent supporter.  Barack Obama hosted Black Lives Matter conspiracy theorists in the White House, so it's not an unprecedented action by Trump to bring in a kook to thank for his support.

But really, must Trump encourage this guy?  Couldn't he have written him a nice letter or even phoned him? 

Trump has promoted a few conspiracy theories in his public life.  Some say he's a 9-11 truther.  It's hard to say when Trump is trolling the media and when he is spouting what he really believes. 

This was one meeting he could have done without.

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