Trump-hating Rep. Eric Swalwell says he would have fired Strzok, too

Some of the smarter Trump-haters realize that Peter Strzok is no hero, and that defending him will not help the cause of ousting a duly-elected president. Not only is he a repulsive martyr, his conduct in one of the highest positions in American law enforcement was indefensible, and considering the deception of the FISA court, possibly criminal.

I have never looked to California Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell  as a paragon of good judgment, as he is one of the most fanatic Trump-haters gracing the screens of all the cable news outlets with his allegations of criminality in President Trump’s relationship with Russia, despite the lack of evidence. But, as he explained to Bloomberg TV, he is the brother of police officers and a former prosecutor, so he knows something about investigations.

Watch the brief video below, as he explains why he supports the firing of Strzok: (hat tip: David Rutz, Free Beacon)

Transcript via Grabien:

HOST: "FBI's Peter Strzok, fired?"
SWALWELL: "Yeah, I would have fired him, too."
HOST: "You would?"
SWALWELL: "He has rights as an employee, and those should be exhausted, but I also believe as the brother of police officers and a former prosecutor, with the stakes this high, a presidential candidate being investigated, you can't talk that way, even if it didn't affect the investigation."


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