Word games at high levels

James Comey must be writing his own dictionary of the English language.  First he redefined "loyalty" to mean "it ain't mean-spirited selfishness when I do it."  Now he has redefined "punish" to mean "applying common sense when somebody misuses his security clearance."  Next, we can expect him to redefine "lie" as "whatever the other guys say; we never lie on our side."

It's becoming undeniable that the left really does live in a place that has little connection to reality.  In an online comment, some fellow asserted that the economy is a wreck and that without Obamacare, people are dying.  That just doesn't fit what's actually happening in Trump's America.  Even the New York Times says the economy is so good that the paper has run out of words to describe it.  We have more jobs than people to fill them.  Annual growth is at or near 4%.  Record numbers of blacks and Hispanics are at work, to such an extent that record numbers of blacks now confess satisfaction with Donald Trump.

The data are out there, the reality stares them in the face, yet leftists simply refuse to countenance it.  They are remindful of the old Stalinists at the U.N., steadfastly denying the reality of pictures and firsthand accounts of tanks in Budapest, shootings at the Brandenburg Gate, or people starving in a gulag.  This is Walter Duranty-level refusal to look reality in the eye, dishonesty to extremes, psychosis in drag.

Nineteen Eighty-Four is already here for a number of Americans.  Rather than believe their own eyes or form their own opinions, they soak themselves in Deep State propaganda and shut out anything that doesn't fit the template.  William Shirer told how '30s-era Germans, subjected to years of one-sided propaganda, had this same tendency.  The Big Lie, repeated often enough in the absence of countervailing information, warped the thinking of people who were otherwise too intelligent to fall for nonsense.  Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn also testified that under such conditions, people often surrender all independent judgment.

The ensuing mindlessness is the ultimate enemy of liberty.  Right here in America, people gave up their own powers of discernment in the face of decades of leftist miseducation and indoctrination in the universities, from which the poison seeped into the media and the government on down to kids in grade school.

We're reaching the end of that line.  Obama showed how the left intends to govern, unmoored from moral principle and indifferent to failure or ineffectiveness.  The plan seems to be to suffocate us with regulations and laws while lying to our faces about how good everything is.  North Korean escapees describe how people there, told they live in the world's greatest country, often really do believe it.  Remember Obama boasting that America stood higher in world opinion than ever before because of him?  To people like that, saying it's so makes it so.  The world snickered at Obama, sighed disgustedly, looked away in embarrassment, and he saw only high esteem in their glazed-over eyes.

This is why James Comey, proven liar, now plays word games with us.  And to think this giant creature once ran the FBI.

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