A political smear and the 6th Amendment

Christine Blasey Ford, PhD, whose accusation of “sexual assault” almost 40 years ago by Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh has ripped apart what appeared to be smooth sailing through the U.S. Senate’s “advise and consent” process. The process has been ably managed by veteran Senator Charles Grassley.

She has wandered through the University of North Carolina, Pepperdine University, Stanford University and the University of Southern California. Her field of study: psychology. She is a bio-statistician. She is also a very ignorant person about the United States.

A.  She wanted anonymity protected by, first her congresswoman (Eshoo) to whom she sent a letter charging sexual assault by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh…

B.   Then she wanted that anonymity protected by U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein…

C.   When her identity was leaked to the press, lawyers claiming to represent her said she would testify to the Judiciary Committee chaired by U.S. Senator Charles Grassley; then other lawyers said she would only testify after the FBI investigated her charges…

D.  Then Chairman Grassley laid out an ultimatum – she could testify in public or in private with the committee or the committee would send people to California to interview her; the committee would then go on and vote on Judge Kavanaugh’ s nomination to the Supreme Court…

E.   We still don’t know if she will appear in front of the committee; her lawyers keep moving the goal posts and making demands that the committee should not accede to under any circumstances.

We know one thing about Dr. Ford: multiple years in various universities did not prepare her to be an informed citizen. She obviously knows nothing about the Constitution of the United States. She may know psychologists Jung and Freud but she does not know the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution. It destroys her charges, not because Kavanaugh didn’t assault her; he denies that, but because she just made the charge with no proof whatsoever. 

Apparently she is unaware of the Bill Rights of the U.S. Constitution. It is the Sixth Amendment that concerns us here. It is clear that Judge Kavanaugh has rights “to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; (and) to be confronted with the witnesses against him…”

What we have, though, is a left-wing political activist who is a politically illiterate woman making unsubstantiated charges of something she claims happened decades ago in which she has no witnesses or proof. 

Liberal Democrat activist Ford is sabotaging a Republican Supreme Court nomination that literally was only days from being approved. Her support comes from 85-year-old Senator Dianne Feinstein who appears to be having serious memory problems and who says she can’t guarantee the truthfulness of the charges. Ever fair Ford supporter Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HA) declares that “men should shut up.”

Well, one man that won’t “shut up” is:  Patrick J. Smyth a high school friend of Kavanaugh’s. He says, “I understand that I have been identified by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford as the person she remembers as ‘PJ’ who supposedly was present at the party she described in her statements to the Washington Post,” Smyth: “I have no knowledge of the party in question; nor do I have any knowledge of the allegations of improper conduct she has leveled against Brett Kavanaugh.”

Retiring U.S. Senators Jeff Flake (R-AZ) and Bob Corker (R-TN), no friends of President Trump, expressed desire to hear Dr. Ford tell her story under oath but made it clear that if she no-shows, the game is over and they’ll support Judge Kavanaugh without thinking about it.

 Flake: “When Dr. Ford came forward, I said that her voice should be heard and asked the Judiciary Committee to delay its vote on Judge Kavanaugh. It did so. I now implore Dr. Ford to accept the invitation…in a public or private setting. The committee should hear her voice.”

 Corker: “If we don’t hear from both sides… let’s vote.”

With her letter to Congresswoman Eshoo and Senator Feinstein demanding anonymity while charging Judge Kavanaugh with sexual assault when he was 17, Christine Blasey Ford violated every precept of American civil rights of a man who has been vetted six times by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and sat for years in the second most important court of the land.

Like it or not, she has emerged as a political tool, or what Vladimir Lenin would have caled a ‘useful idiot” or “useful fool.” At best she is a political hack of Senate Democrat in their otherwise feeble efforts to derail President Trump’s nomination of Kavanaugh. And, like it or not, her  phalanx of supporters (none whom were present to witness her allegations or even at the party she says occurred) fall short of legitimizing her or her story; no proof, no date or place, no witnesses, no diary entries, no contemporary revelations to friends, family or mental health professionals, no police reports – nothing.

She shouldn’t be called a liar, but “useful idiot” does seem appropriate.

If she doesn’t show to address the Judiciary Committee Republicans Senators must proceed without her and vote up or down on Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court of the United States.

That is their duty to the Constitution and to the people. 

Contreras is the author of “The Armenian Lobby & U.S. Foreign Policy” and “The Mexican Border: Immigration, War and a Trillion dollars in Trade;” he formerly worked for the New American News Service of the New York Times Syndicate

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