Attention: Senator Hirono

I would refer Senator Mazie Hirono and those rabid Democrat Trump-haters ready to not only deny Brett Kavanaugh a seat on the United States Supreme Court, but thoroughly ruin his life based on unsubstantiated allegations of a sexual abuse encounter 36 years ago (simply because he is a conservative judge who may or may not revisit their political sacrament of abortion), and who are willing and eager to totally destroy a man by any means possible as they do with unborn children, to an organization called "The Innocence Project."

This program has successfully secured the release from prison of numerous men who were serving time based on the testimony of a woman with no physical evidence to back up her claims.  Even if Democrats' political ideology drives their denial of common sense and rational thought – as appears to be the case in many instances – they should try overcome their lack of objectivity and force themselves to do some research.  There is always the possibility that the results of the Innocence Project may at least give them pause in their hell-bent drive to convict and condemn a man who in our system is presumed innocent until proven guilty, unless of course he is a constitutional conservative.

The oft-repeated claims by some of our leading Democrat female politicians and media pundits that if a woman claims sexual abuse, it must be true fly in the face of common sense and human experience.  The proposition that a woman would not lie about such an event is the height of gullibility or stupidity, or simply based on the desire to produce an outcome to coincide with a personal agenda.  Money, power, hatred, jealousy, revenge, and even political ideology are all powerful motivators and cannot be disregarded, especially in cases of "she said, he said."

One need only attend a civil divorce hearing or read a transcript of the proceedings to appreciate the depths of human disregard for the truth when driven by personal motivations.  Even under oath, whether in a courtroom or elsewhere, the truth can be a nebulous and questionable thing, especially when no hard evidence can be presented to substantiate the claim of wrongdoing.

Michael N. Mattia is a retired colonel, United States Army.

Image credit: Flickr.

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