Flinging feces for the cause

Dr. Jane Goodall is a pioneer in the study of chimpanzees.  In 1960, she set up camp in Tanzania's Gombe National Stream Park to live among the wild chimpanzees.  In 1984, Dr. Goodall was asked to study the unusual but frequently observed habit of chimpanzees flinging their feces while in zoo captivity.  This behavior rarely occurs in the wild.

Since President Trump's inauguration 21 months ago, it's more than evident that many of the president's critics, detractors, and enemies have gleefully adopted the repugnant behavior of captive chimpanzees.  According to Dr. Goodall's research, chimps in captivity resort to feces-flinging because of stress, agitation, and pent up frustration.  

Yes, there is absolutely unresolved stress since the election of Donald Trump.  Almost two years have passed, and no, there isn't a groundswell of acceptance among Democrats.  If anything, the anxiety has risen to near a hysterical state.  What began as Trump Derangement Syndrome, those afflicted and unable to reconcile the fact that Hillary Clinton lost, has evolved to episodic psychosis.

In fact, the tension and stress have reached extreme levels.  Journalists such as Chuck Todd of Meet the Press find it necessary to pen articles defending the media's negativity and overt hostility toward the president.  In Mr. Todd's twisted opinion, despite the overwhelming adverse press specifically directed at the president, the media somehow remain fair and unbiased purveyors of the news.  Labeling Fox News viewers as "old white people" certainly cements Mr. Todd's claim that the media are not biased.  In other words...not a smidgen of bias.  (Wink, wink.)

Yes, the Democrats are agitated – so much so that bouts of feces-flinging now occur with certain regularity.  To date, several salacious books (and one forthcoming) have been written warning that the White House is in turmoil, Donald Trump is crazy, and the White House staff loathe and despise him.  According to "in the know" authors, White House staffers operate in a constant state of trepidation.  Their panic is palpable, and they are consumed with dread and alarm.  The latest tome of tongue-lashing, Fear, written by Bob Woodward, is simply a rehash of uninteresting gossip.  Just like many of his nattering, like-minded essayists, Woodward quotes sources in and out of the White House, several of whom have categorically denied ever speaking to or meeting Mr. Woodard.  Sound familiar?  Author Michael Wolff's book is also a plethora of gossip and innuendo.

CNN's first review of Bob Woodward's book calls life in the White House "harrowing."  New York Times reviewer Dwight Garner claims that while Woodward was never a graceful writer, he (Woodward) is able to spin tales of a man (Trump) who is "emotionally over-wrought, mercurial, and unpredictable."

If we are to believe Mr. Woodward, White House aides have taken it upon themselves to hide important documents from the president.  White House aides also routinely block the president's most dangerous impulses.  Sure they do, Bob.  

Inevitably, all of this stress and agitation leads to pent up frustration, hence more feces-flinging, evidenced by the opening day of Judge Kavanagh's Supreme Court hearing.  Judicial Committee chairman Senator Chuck Grassley couldn't even complete his first sentence before Senator Kamala Harris interrupted him, demanding a delay in the hearing.  Beyond rude and ill mannered, she continued her tirade, claiming that the White House had purposely and with malice withheld critical documents authored by Judge Kavanagh that are imperative to the hearing discussion.  Despite the fact that over 400,000 documents have been released, Senators Booker, Blumenthal, and Klobuchar accused the administration of hiding "something."  Thus far, they have yet to specifically identify the elusive "something."

More unbearable, during the course of the opening remarks by various senators, loud-mouthed, banshee-like screeching protesters interrupted the proceedings time and time again.  If that wasn't enough, Fred Guttenberg, father of a deceased Florida Parkland High School student, rushed Judge Kavanagh just as the committee recessed for lunch.  Startled, Judge Kavanagh recoiled as he rose from the table, turning away as security intervened.  Dianne Feinstein admitted she had invited the father, who earlier in July tweeted, "Judge Kavanagh must not become a SC judge, because he is a risk to public safety."

The coordinated feces-flinging attack during the hearing was a sordid spectacle.  It is a sure sign that even more disgusting behavior is planned as the liberal hysteria explodes. 

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