Hillary speaks: Hypocrisy and hilarity ensue

I'd open by saying "she's back," but she's never gone away.  This week, Hillary takes to the pages of The Atlantic to continue her mission to "do all we can to save our democracy and heal our body politic."

Does this tireless public servant and champion of the "little people" ever stop giving?

Hillary's five-point assault on all things Donald Trump begins with this:

As I see it, there are five main fronts of this assault on our democracy.

First, there is Donald Trump's assault on the rule of law.

John Adams wrote that the definition of a republic is "a government of laws, and not of men."  That ideal is enshrined in two powerful principles: No one, not even the most powerful leader, is above the law, and all citizens are due equal protection under the law.  Those are big ideas, radical when America was formed and still vital today.  The Founders knew that a leader who refuses to be subject to the law or who politicizes or obstructs its enforcement is a tyrant, plain and simple.

Here's a fair telling, by Kimberly Strassel of the Wall Street Journal, of the kind of multi-tiered justice system Hillary prefers:

If there is only "one set of rules," where is Mr. Mueller's referral of a case against Hillary for America?  Federal law requires campaigns to disclose the recipient and purpose of any payments.  The Clinton campaign paid Fusion GPS to compile a dossier against Mr. Trump, a document that became the basis of the Russia narrative Mr. Mueller now investigates.  But the campaign funneled the money to law firm Perkins Coie, which in turn paid Fusion.  The campaign falsely described the money as payment for "legal services."  The Democratic National Committee did the same.  A Perkins Coie spokesperson has claimed that neither the Clinton campaign nor the DNC was aware that Fusion GPS had been hired to conduct the research, and maybe so.  But a lot of lawyers here seemed to have been ignoring a clear statute, presumably with the intent of influencing an election.

This doesn't even touch on the hundreds of thousands of emails found on Anthony Weiner's laptop that the FBI never even examined.

Point 2

Second, the legitimacy of our elections is in doubt.

There's Russia's ongoing interference and Trump's complete unwillingness to stop it or protect us.  There's voter suppression, as Republicans put onerous – and I believe illegal – requirements in place to stop people from voting.  There's gerrymandering, with partisans – these days, principally Republicans – drawing the lines for voting districts to ensure that their party nearly always wins.  All of this carries us further away from the sacred principle of "one person, one vote."

Onerous requirements like voter ID.  Another example of Democrats infantilizing black and Hispanic voters as not having the wherewithal to acquire the most basic of documentation necessary to live a normal and productive life.  As U.S. citizens, my children couldn't get drivers' permits without birth certificates and Social Security cards, yet Hillary feels as though anyone who can make it to the polls should have the right to vote – just as she believes that anyone who can make it to our shores is entitled to all the benefits our great nation has to offer.  She clearly states "one person, one vote."  Not one citizen, one vote.  And naturally, it's "principally Republicans" doing all of the gerrymandering.  Her party is so far above such petty political manipulations just to win elections.  Like this and this.  Christopher Ingraham writes in the Washington Post about Maryland:

For a sense of the extent of the Democrat-drawn gerrymander, consider this: In 2016, Republican candidates won 37 percent of the statewide two-party vote for U.S. House seats.  But because of the way Democrats drew district boundaries after the 2010 Census, that translated to just one of the state's eight House seats.

Because Democrats decided to give themselves another Congressional seat.  As Mother Jones describes it, "Democrats added a strange-looking appendage to the district, reaching all the way down into the affluent Washington DC, suburbs to scoop up Democratic voters.  More than 360,000 people were moved out of the district, and nearly as many were moved in.  It went from solidly Republican to reliably Democratic; the Cook Political Report identified it as the biggest district swing in the country."

Shh.  Don't tell Hillary.  We can't risk shattering her illusions of her and her party as paragons of purity and virtue.

Point 3

Third, the president is waging war on truth and reason.

Earlier this month, Trump made 125 false or misleading statements in 120 minutes, according to The Washington Post – a personal record for him (at least since becoming president).  To date, according to the paper's fact-checkers, Trump has made 5,000 false or misleading claims while in office and recently has averaged 32 a day.

Ah...the "Democracy Dies in Darkness" Washington Post.  If they said it, it must be true.  Except hereherehere, and here, for just a few examples.  Where do these people get their stories – CNN?  Hillary's own struggles with "truth and reason" are far too legion for me to even begin to try to catalog here, so I'll let William Safire provide a primer from the New York Times (and this was 22 years ago).

Point 4

Fourth, there's Trump's breathtaking corruption.

Considering that this administration promised to "drain the swamp," it's amazing how blithely the president and his Cabinet have piled up conflicts of interest, abuses of power, and blatant violations of ethics rules. 

Pot, meet kettle?  This may be the most laughable and blatantly hypocritical charge of all here.  The Clintons have advanced the practice of monetizing "public service" from an art to a science.  Cattle futures, Whitewater, Uranium One, Clinton Foundation, Haiti.  I don' have enough space to cover the tip of the Clinton graft iceberg here.  Donald Trump was wealthy beyond imagination before entering politics.  Bill and Hillary Clinton weren't.  They epitomize the old adage "they came to Washington to do good and ended up doing very well indeed."

As more and more evidence trickles out daily, the abuses of power conducted by the Obama administration with the help of Hillary's opposition research smear are well on their way to becoming the standard by which all future banana republic-style "tyranny" will be measured.

Point 5

Fifth, Trump undermines the national unity that makes democracy possible.

Trump doesn't even try to pretend he's a president for all Americans.  It's hard to ignore the racial subtext of virtually everything Trump says. 

Hillary has a name for members of her disfavored constituencies: basket of deplorables.  Hillary, like Barack Obama before her, is essentially a one-trick pony, and that one trick is identity politics.  Nothing could be more toxic to "national unity," yet they will beat that horse until it can no longer stumble out of the gate, all the while accusing their opponents of undermining national unity.

That Donald Trump has done more to improve the lives of black and Hispanic Americans, those who suffered the most during the Obama years, than any president since Ronald Reagan is indisputable.  They are waking up not only to this truth, but to the lies Democrats have been telling them for decades in greater and greater numbers, as can be seen here.

I can think of no two human beings with less self-awareness than Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.  Reading her self-serving screed here is much like listening to any one of his speeches.  Trump is delivering the "hope and change" these two promised but did nothing to facilitate and in fact did everything in their power to retard.  That he is doing it under the guise of "making America great again" is just more reason for these petty partisan has-beens and their American-hating media sycophants to hate him even more.

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