Is it 'we the people' or 'they'?

The blogosphere and non-mainstream media are awash with concerns about how previous administration people such as former president Barack Obama and secretary of state John Kerry are not only publicly commenting about the current administration, but getting involved with hidden activities purposed to undo it and its programs and agenda.  None of this is "normal."  The long tradition here in America is for such to retire quietly after a new administration is in office and pretty much mind their own business as the new administration works through its agenda.

Those "norms" in conduct Americans long expected and experienced were based on a shared purpose, understanding, and belief system: that ours is a government subordinate to the people.

Such a belief is truly unique to America.  If government is "of, by and for the people," then the people's will is right even if some "expert" or some elected (or unelected) government official thinks it wrong.

People like Obama and Kerry in fact discarded that view some years ago.

To Obama, Kerry, and their ilk, "we the people" need to be led along by such as they.  The media's job is not to search out truth, but to aid them in keeping the people in line with their thinking and goals.

If we the people don't buy into their thinking, we must be stopped dead in our tracks, our choices in leadership broken and dismembered.

We, in the eyes of another of their ilk – Hillary Clinton – are nothing but "a basket of deplorables."

It is that change in thinking about with whom the power properly lies that we are seeing broadly painted in the actions of these people.

It is important to recognize that this is not a mere change in manners or mores.  It is a public revealing that these people are no longer "Americans" as we and our forefathers understood that word.

In the end, this nation will either be ours – belonging to "we the people" – or be theirs, with we the people just being taken along for a ride.

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