Kavanaugh's ordeal shows the depravity of the rabid left

Is there no depth to which leftists will not sink to demonize those with whom they disagree?  Unable to lay a hand on Brett Kavanaugh throughout the judiciary committee hearings, despite some of the rudest, most uncivil questioning on record since the Bork and Thomas hearings, now they've turned up a woman to play Anita Hill, a woman willing to prostitute herself on the pyre of leftist dreams of advancing their agenda through the courts.

These people, Feinstein and all those who have jumped on this ridiculous bandwagon, are truly vile.  To get what they want, they are happy to destroy anyone in their way.  They know that Kavanaugh is a fine man with a spotless reputation, but so what?  They fear his constitutional expertise; they despise our Constitution.  As Obama has stated, it is a document of negative rights; it lays out the government what it cannot do.  Leftists want the government to have the power to control all of us in nearly every aspect of our lives.

Now this woman, Christine Blasey Ford, who supposedly wished to remain anonymous (sure, she did), has come forward, having already paid for her own polygraph test (that's not at all suspicious, is it?), with her psychologist's notes from her 2012 recovered memory of inappropriate behavior by Judge Kavanaugh thirty-six years ago.  She does not remember what year this allegedly took place or where it took place, how she got there, or how she got home.  In her original letter, she wrote that four boys were involved; now she says it was two.  That her claims are being taken seriously is absurd, an example of the despicable tactics Democrats employ to get their way.  Others have suggested that she put her plan in motion when Mitt Romney was running against Obama and was ahead in the polls.  Romney had mentioned Kavanaugh as a potential SCOTUS pick. 

If the left succeeds in scrapping Kavanaugh's nomination, it will, as Victor Davis Hanson noted, mean we are no longer a nation of laws in which citizens have protected rights.  The country will be governed and people will be destroyed by innuendo and unproven accusations whenever someone wants them out of the way.  This woman is a leftist, an activist.  Her lawyer is as well.  But the lawyer, Debra Katz, chose not to believe Paula Jones's version of her encounter with Bill Clinton, who had a lifelong reputation for caddish behavior.

Leftists are nothing if not hypocritical.  They have relentlessly harassed the woman who accused Keith Ellison of abuse.

Kavanaugh has a reputation for being a perfect gentleman throughout his life.  Ford's story is a fabrication, purposeful or perhaps misremembered, but "recovered memories" have been proved to be notoriously unreliable.  Or maybe it is a simple case of mistaken identity; she is certain, and she is wrong.  It is a sad commentary that the left can always come up with some poor fool to be the patsy.

Leftists are proving once again that truth is not a leftist value.  If only there were a wayback machine that could revisit every congressman's behavior in high school.  It is easy to imagine which of them were jerks then, because they are jerks now.  (Think Schumer, Durbin, Ellison, any Kennedy, etc.) 

A couple of RINO Trump-haters, Bob Corker and Jeff Flake, are only too eager to jump on board this disgusting campaign to derail Kavanaugh.  Two failed senators who pretended to be Republicans but are not see this as a way to foil Trump.  Destroy Kavanaugh in the process?  Traumatize his family?  So what?  Both are leaving because neither could have won in his state, so they have nothing to lose.  If they do this, they, along with the Democrats fomenting this travesty, will be remembered as the traitors to their party that they are. 

If Dianne Feinstein thinks the #MeToo movement will serve as a disguise for her treachery, she is dead wrong.  Any sentient person can see what is going on here: a Ted Kennedyesque destruction of a man, his career, and his family.  Feinstein's reputation will never recover from this bit of vicious chicanery.  This farce is a tragedy, and all those who are perpetrating it are the real deplorables.

There is a line in Craig Johnson's new book, The Depth of Winter, spoken by the barbaric nemesis of the story: "Power is everything, anything else is simply a means to power."  Leftists believe they are the only ones who deserve to wield power, so they think nothing of ruining people to get it.  Rabid leftists, the people executing this charade, are America's nemesis.  Anyone who denies this is willfully blind.  This current, anti-Trump left is lethal to everything for which this great nation stands.

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