Leftist women are in denial

Denial is a powerful defense mechanism.  Much of the time, it is necessary and healthy.  For example, life is a temporary journey.  Some are more fortunate than others to live a longer and healthier life, but no one escapes the beckoning of our maker.  Because of healthy denial, we are able to go about our business and conduct our lives.  Denial can also be pathological, as displayed by people who have addictions and try to fool themselves and others.  Another example are those who lie incessantly and believe their own lies.  There could be no better example of this than what is being demonstrated by the left, especially among the left's women.

The first example is Kermit Gosnell.  A few weeks ago, I finished the book Gosnell: The Untold Story of America’s Most Prolific Serial Killer.  For those who have not heard of Kermit Gosnell, the Philadelphia abortionist, I suggest you read this book or wait for the upcoming movie with Dean Cain.  Because of the polarizing issue of abortion and the biased media, very little attention was given to the trial of Dr. Gosnell.  What a shame, because it revealed the horrors of late-stage abortion, or what is really infanticide, which the left continues to deny, especially leftist women.  Some of the women in this story had abortions at seven and eight months, possibly later in their pregnancy.  One woman had eight abortions.

Although the emphasis was on Gosnell, who certainly was indeed a serial killer of our most innocent, many of the jurors saw the culpability of these women, who were never tried.  I too saw the paltry excuses made for them, such as poverty, drugs, etc.  This victimhood reminds me of the Duke University false accuser, who was not charged for the damage she caused because of a similar compromising situation.  Truly, is this not an insult to all of those women who choose another route?

Women on the left deny the reality of what abortion entails. A group of cells is how the unborn is viewed.  For how long?  One month, two, five?  That seems to depend on circumstances, which need justification.  With the Left, denial prevails.

Secondly, about the time I finished this necessary but disturbing read, I heard Dr. Deborah Soh being interviewed on the Federalist podcast.  The discussion focused on her meticulous research and evidence backing scientific differences in sexual proclivities between males and females.  Now, Dr. Soh, a freelance sex and political writer with a neuro-scientific background, is not ideological.  She gives her perspective from science.  Dr. Soh has done studies on the brain that reveal the differences between sexes.  In additon, she used to have a clinical practice where young women would share their unhappiness after engaging in casual sex.  Many of them shared the emptiness of this experience.

Although I am not a scientist, as a mental health provider, I have heard these same stories for many years.  The majority in my profession, as well as female friends and peers on the left, seem to deny this.  They may not get anything out of this false intimacy but are willing participants anyway.  Why?  Well, they never give a clear answer.  After one of these unfulfilling encounters, denial often ensues, and they repeat the same action over and over.  Yes, the left continues to emphasize this as being natural and normal, exposing women younger and younger, as evidenced by the ploys of Planned Parenthood.  The sexualization of children is increasingly front and center.  Where are the women on the left who always cry, “What about the children”?  Nowhere.

Finally, need I even discuss what occurred during the Judge Kavanaugh confirmation hearings?  Denial is in full force!  In the name of social justice for all, these women bellow in our capitol against a superb candidate who follows the Constitution.  Their so-called peaceful message sounded like anything but.  As usual, the left, especially the women, expresses umbrage about women's reproductive rights being jeopardized.  God forbid they think about thinking and taking responsibility for their actions and escapades.  Oh, no!  We must continue this moral relativism in order to feed a pathological denial.

There are no easy answers to remedy this cultural breakdown, but I do believe that women are the ones who need to lead the charge.  If they take responsibility, maintain stronger boundaries, and honor the equal-but-different position, a slow but steady change may begin to unfold.

The author is using a pen name for reasons she explains here

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