Media trolling social media for potential Kavanaugh accusers

Some media outlets are using social media to beat the bushes trying to find other women to accuse Judge Kavanaugh of...something.

It's not unheard of.  Ten years ago, porn magnate Larry Flynt dangled a reward of $1 million to anyone who came forward claiming to have had sex with Republicans.

There doesn't appear to be a bounty, but if your story is good enough, I'm sure the media outlets can arrange something.

Washington Examiner:

"Hi ladies, I'm Holton class of 1991 and an investigative producer/reporter for ABC National News.  I would really appreciate any leads on Kavanaugh," posted Lauren Pearle.  She added, "Hopefully, the truth will emerge."

Kavanaugh's accuser, Professor Christine Blasey Ford, went to Holton-Arms when she claims a drunken Kavanaugh molested her at a private party when he was a student in the early 1980s at Georgetown Prep less than 10 miles away from Holton-Arms.  Kavanaugh has forcefully denied the charges, and his friends have also said they never saw him do anything wrong.

In another Facebook post, Holton-Arms alum Maggie Quiroga Mainor wrote, "If you have any connections from back in 1978 to 1982, please contact ASAP.  I'm in touch w(i)th WaPo and other papers who want to support Dr. Ford." 

A third Holton-Arms alum, Sabah Fatima, wrote on Facebook, "Hi!  I'm looking for Cristina King Miranda.  My very dear friend from childhood, Amna Nawaz, is at PBS newshour and would love to talk to her."

She added, "As the mob closes around Dr. Ford, as she goes into hiding, as her life changes forever, please do everything you can to ensure justice is done." 

On her Facebook page, Nawaz posted an unsigned note from a former pal of Ford who said the alleged incident "was spoken about for days afterwards in school."

I'm sure other efforts to dig up dirt on Kavanaugh are intense.  Anyone who might have met Kavanaugh in the hallway or seen him at a party is being mined for information. 

The media will tell us they're "just doing their jobs."  Well, maybe.  And maybe they're doing their damnedest to assist liberals and Democrats in their efforts to deny the nomination to someone who by most reports is a decent man, brilliant legal mind, and fair judge.

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